A new beginning

It was a not easy decision to make some changes but at the end I finally took the decision to move my blogs all here in wordpress. there have been several driver, but the main reason is that here everything is easier.

So after some years PostOffice and PostOffice2 close to reborn as “A.I.Tech update” and “News from the World”.

A fresh start with a new look, where “The Puchi Herald” and the other two will look as the same entity. Just hope that nobody in Italy would think this is a real newspaper, or I would have to close, 🙂  lol

I know I’ll have to regain the trust of the 4 or 5 people that used to read my old blogs but I hope that this simpler approach would benefit both the writer and the readers 🙂

have a great time and thanks



CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 A new beginning by The Puchi Herald Magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.