Monthly Archives: October 2011

Take Action | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Take Action | Electronic Frontier FoundationThe Internet Blacklist Legislation– known as PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House – is a threatening sequel to last ……/public/?… Related articles Disastrous IP Legislation Is Back – And It’s Worse than Ever ( Copyright bill revives Internet death penalty ( Congress Bows To Hollywood, Introduces Bill To Fundamentally Alter Internet Infrastructure ( Anti-Piracy Bill Unveiled In House ( Internet Censorship: PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America ( Protect IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would…

Cookie Policy (US)

Image via Wikipedia Well last year I have had the pleasure to show our personal graveyard last year work can be found in this my old post:  Halloween is quite here- how we made our personal graveyard This year we made some improvements to the structure and I would like to share them with you   so here what we have done : We started from last year work (you can see it in this picture, and we just simply improved the concept (at least we hope this is what it looks like )       So basically we…

Halloween is back :)

Image via Wikipedia Well last year I have had the pleasure to show our personal graveyard last year work can be found in this my old post:  Halloween is quite here- how we made our personal graveyard This year we made some improvements to the structure and I would like to share them with you   so here what we have done : We started from last year work (you can see it in this picture, and we just simply improved the concept (at least we hope this is what it looks like )       So basically we…

Small Businesses and Cybersecurity

Image via Wikipedia Small Businesses and CybersecurityMedia Newswire (press release)Cyberspace supports everything from the systems that keep the lights on to the networks that process credit card transactions. That’s why a safe and secure cyberspace is important to businesses of all sizes. In support of Cyber Security Awareness Month … Related articles New Tool to Help Small Businesses Plan for Cyberattack ( How ready are we for cyberspace? ( Aussie war alliance extends to cyberspace ( Police bust cyberspace fraudsters ( SSCC 76 – Michael Kaiser, NCSA and Rob Strayer chat about cyber security ( Cybersecurity in America and Europe…

The gag is back: let’s stop it now!

***************Italian version below********************** Dear friends across Italy, Berlusconi’s government is shamelessly trying to bulldoze the infamous “gag law” through Parliament again — a law which undermines the pillars of our democracy. Our politicians are in shambles — only a public uproar can stop it now. Click below to sign the urgent petition for democracy and freedom of information. We only have a few days left! It’s outrageous! The infamous “legge bavaglio” is back on the table and Parliament could pass it any day now – only a massive public outcry can stop it. Berlusconi’s coalition is in tatters, but as…

Good Bye Steve

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Is a sad moment for every tech fan. Steve Jobs has design a big part of our world, with his vision and genius gave us tablets, smartphones, computer animation movies and so much things we today consider normal or simply cool. He was nor a Saint or an Angel, but for sure a genius with an incredible talent to foresee and create the future. We will miss his arrogance, because was the arrogance of someone who knows how to create the future. He made us dream with his ideas, his talent and his strength….

Wikipedia Hides Italian Language Edition to Protest New Law

“Wikipedia Hides Italian Language Edition to Protest New Law PCWorld By John Ribeiro, IDG News Wikipedia said it was hiding the Italian edition of the online encyclopedia to protest against a proposed new rule in the country, that will require websites to publish corrections within 48 hours of content being found … ” Ok when we will see the end of the tunnel? Italy is well known for an inefficient political class, but what many does not know is how good they’re to put barrier against free speech and, generally spaking, the intenet. It is not just this new law…

A new beginning

It was a not easy decision to make some changes but at the end I finally took the decision to move my blogs all here in wordpress. there have been several driver, but the main reason is that here everything is easier. So after some years PostOffice and PostOffice2 close to reborn as “A.I.Tech update” and “News from the World”. A fresh start with a new look, where “The Puchi Herald” and the other two will look as the same entity. Just hope that nobody in Italy would think this is a real newspaper, or I would have to close, 🙂  lol…

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