Talking Points

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Talking Points

Plenty of stuffs this week, as usual, we cannot start without talking about the

Royal Wedding

Today is the day, the royal wedding is coming and everyone is so excited that can’t stop himself from opening any email, link, search result or whatever related to the biggest event in human history .
Ok may be a little too much but for sure the royal wedding event is moving tons of gadget, interest and cybercriminal activities online but how could not expect something like this, where media are so deeply involved?
as a matter of fact several security vendors issued a warning about the spam and malware related activities around William and Kate’s day.
Not sure this will be the biggest event in human history (but believe me I heard on TV that this will be the biggest event in the century…so I’m not the only one exaggerating a little bit ) but this week showed also other interesting events that captured my attention.

Did your mom tell you that playing video-games is dangerous?

“Don’t play too much, turn off that console …” used to tell me my savvy mom. I never understood the reason but now I know that she was right (as moms always use to be). And now I know also the bad symptoms’ associated in gaming: lost of identity, credit card number sharing, password stealing…. what? o yes you’re right I’m talking about Sony PlayStation network  hack and the relative consequences.
Is not just the 77 million identities stolen that were interesting,  but for the 3 or 4 of you that follow this blog, is the progression and growing of this kind of activities in the last period of time. have you seen how many hacks I’ve reported from news lately? Cyber security is becoming a serious issue, and is incredibly odd that lot of people just do not realize how a layered and different approach is needed to address the new internet\cloud threat landscape.
Do we need security? yes a new and better one, a connected world require a new approach to security that has to shift the usual techniques into something new (bad guys already did!).

FBI – Federal Botnet Intruders?

At least FBI realized how botnets are a serious issue and started to pursue an holy war against them. Is still early to say we will have results, but the aggressive method used by FBI to take control coreflood is something new and opens also some concerns, is anything allowed in order to fight back cybercrime?
This is not a secondary question because the same techniques could be used not only by criminals but also by states to attack an enemy. At least those are claims that have been raised lately.

Iran under cyberattack (again)

or at least this is what they claim related to a new malware spread that, according to their statements, has been build to address specifically their nuclear projects. Although I have no evidences this sound familiar…remember stuxnet?
So the cyber landscape is growing and the need to protect from malware and other cyber threats is quite evident. but security is not only malware protection but also management, uptime, performance,  data protection and so on.

The falling clouds of Amazon

The recent outage of Amazon cloud services showed how difficult is to build up a secure and resilient infrastructure. At least two factor were interesting: the timeframe of the outage was incredibly big, and the fact Amazon declared some of the data were lost and they were not able to recover them.
So even Amazon need a better network infrastructure, and new (and better) procedures. The key is, we still have to work on our networks, just good enough is not enough .

All for today Issue, but just to remind us that the cyber world is not everything let’s send our wishes to the Tornado victims the south of United States of America.

Have a great weekend

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