
The sunrise of hate and the sunset of reason

I am a vivid LinkedIn user, I post on LinkedIn and read posts. Is a great way to understand and know the world outside. but lately I have seen a rise of hate comments and speeches that I find disturbing. Mostly are related to political issues (quite understandable USA election are rising the bar of intolerance and violence between the contenders) but also ethnic and religious ones are present. The most deplorable are the ones related to the never ending war between Israel and Palestine and the reaction to muslin radicalism. I am not a religious guy, I am agnostic,…

Aspettando il festival ICT 2015

beh visto che mi era arrivato il link con le foto, ed avendo partecipato come oratore mi sembra giusto postare  almeno le mie foto 🙂 linkando la sorgente originale. Grande affluenza, grande pubblico peccato non ci sia l’audio, sopratutto nel momento in cui dalle casse usciva lo speech della sala vicina, il momento più apprezzato dal mio pubblico, lol 🙂 aspettando il festival ICT1015 potete dare una occhiata alle foto messe sulla pagina facebook e agli altri link che ha mandato l’organizzazione.     Le videointerviste del festival ICT 2014 Ti informiamo che nel nostro canale Youtube  sono disponibili le…

Doomsday … Happy End of the World!!!

Tomorrow is the End, according to some people (actually a lot of) that believe in a weird interpretation of a so called maya profecy. Well I have my plan: I will not go to Cisternino or Bugarach, instead I will go to Milan to do some stuffs, then I’ll probably buy a good bottle of prosecco to drink to the new era with my wife 🙂 On the other end if the world really will reach it’s end, well, I will admit I was wrong not to believe it, but I do not think will make any difference he he he 🙂…

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