
Ciao ciao AirVPN, grazie Piracy Shield

AirVPN is discontinuing service in Italy due to the “Italian Piracy Shield,” a regulatory framework mandating IP and DNS blocking with no judicial review, which private entities oversee. The system has been criticized for potential rights violations and error-prone procedures. Thus, AirVPN cannot operate within this framework without compromising its mission and service quality. The company withdraws to maintain operations integrity and offers advice and support for alternatives such as the Tor network.

Ops! Privacy Shield, bye-bye

I was not in the mood to write again on GDPR, there are soo many experts here my voice would be useless (and I Know my fellow accomplices of the #quellidelfascicoloP would agree) but I could not refrain myself from this. Max Schrems did it again and Privacy Shield is gone as his predecessor (safe harbor). This should not come as a surprise, well not at least at this side of the pond. I understand the USA does not have a clue on what we’re talking about, privacy is also a cultural matter and we have a profoundly different approach…

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