
weak manager style

In a previous post ()  I tried to put some rationale on my thoughts about management, designing some of the characteristics a manager usually have (bad ones of course). One of the biggest “Ahas!” new and experienced managers (and the people who work for them) have experienced  is the realization that being a strong manager doesn’t mean being forceful or domineering. It’s just the opposite — strong managers are strong enough to lead through trust, whereas weak managers have to use the force of their job titles to make people listen to them. Most of the management style depicted (not…

Our memories are all we have

I am in China for work, with a few connection to the real world outside, so Italian news usually comes to me late, when I am able to connect to internet from hotel; great firewall allowing. Being isolated from the Italian reality put things into a different perspective, allow you to keep less news with more time to digest and think about. It happened a few days ago I learned of the death of Umberto Eco, one of the greatest Italian tinker of our age. He was a great writer, a great thinker, a truly free spirit. The first thing I did…

The IoT Files – intro and security

The IoT Files – intro and security I will start a series of posts on the IoT (Internet o Things) since it seems me that most of the talking about IoT are missing some key aspects. I will start with a general introduction, taken from a webinar I delivered recently. There is a lot of rumors around IoT lately. It seems the new holy grail of the technology industry, the panacea that will solve every business pain and will drive us to the next point. All those talking are interesting, but somehow a little bit apologetic, since there is a…

A Fight for the future message: The following companies just betrayed billions of people.

The following companies just betrayed billions of people. Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, and a handful of other tech companies just began publicly lobbying Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a bill that would give corporations total legal immunity when they share private user data with the government and with each other. Many of these companies have previously claimed to fight for their users’ privacy rights, but by supporting this bill they’ve made it clear that they’ve abandoned that position, and are willing to endanger their users’ security and civil rights in exchange for government handouts and protection….

2015 is Here!!!!!

Finally we are at the beginning of a new year, time for hope, time for proposals, time for planning new experiences. So what are mine? 2015 proposals 1) I will work We can say whatever we want, but the truth is that job is a gift those days. The terrible economic crisis of those years leaved a lot of people without a job, people with strong skills and experience have been fired and some have been replaced with younger and not so expensive (but less experienced) people. HP, Cisco, Microsoft a lot of people have been kicked out so have a job…

Il ventre molle dell’IT italiana: la sicurezza

Ultimamente sono stato coinvolto in alcuni casi di attacchi ransomware nei confronti di aziende italiane, e la cosa mi ha preoccupato abbastanza, non tanto per la pericolosità in se dell’attacco ma per la imbarazzante mancanza di implementazione di processi di sicurezza all’interno delle varie realtà aziendali. Una mancanza di sicurezza che copre non solo gli aspetti meramente tecnici, ma anche quelli procedurali e persino legali. Una infezione di tipo cryptoloker, kryptowall o simili, infatti, è una buona occasione per testare i meccanismi implementati di difesa, o, purtroppo, la loro totale mancanza. Generalmente la copertura di sicurezza nelle strutture italiane è…

Security design considerations

In the previous post ()we learned that when planning a security budget we have to deal with hidden costs, assets, process and a good quote of dealing with higher management. The goal is to reach at least the mTCoS as i called it. Now the problem I pointed out is that in order to define this target value we have to asset risks and rank them to be able to make choices. This is a quite interesting topic per se, since it is still object of studies. I have seen several models to address the question, all have pro and…

Security and Risks Updated

When I’m talking about security with customers, partners or at an event the first question I usually receive is: how much this will cost to me? This is an understandable question, costs have to be monitored and expenditures have to be planned wisely;  how much I can spend on security is a quite interesting topic. The problem, alas, is that usually IT managers do not use a clear model when planning investment in security but seemed to be attracted more by strange inner believes than an empirical analysis of cost and benefits. Another point that I’ve always found quite curious is that…

What if…

What if Michael Dell was right?   The biggest tech companies are struggling in a crisis that seems not to have a end. Cisco, HP, even Microsoft have announced layouts and reduction of employee. We can say this is a common issue for a moment of crisis, companies need to rise up ROI and cost reduction is a key factor. It’s also undoubted that laying off personnel is the easiest way to reduce costs. But is this crisis just a matter of costs and ROI? or there are deeper reasons that are hitting those companies? The economical crisis is just…

L’angolo tecnico, in collaborazione con V-Valley

        Come chiunque acceda al mio profilo LinkedIn dovrebbe sapere, ho iniziato una collaborazione con V-Valley, distributore a valore, per dare supporto e sviluppo alla parte di sicurezza. Una componente fondamentale del valore è la formazione in tutte le sue varie espressioni. Training, articoli, eventi e conferenze saranno una espressione di questa collaborazione, con lo scopo di consentire un avvicinamento in maniera piu consapevole alla platea di chi si approccia alla sicurezza informatica. In questa ottica ho deciso di iniziare a scrivere una serie di articoli che affrontano alcuni aspetti pratici della sicurezza, andando ad evidenziare sia i…

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