Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Ise Training day 2

Ok my turn to talk today:  We talked about one of the most interesting features of ISE, profiling. Worth to explain a little what profiling is, and what discovery and classification means. it is a very useful and powerful engine but it needs to be understood, also on what it means and why should be used. other great new, finally  ise 1.1 is available on CCO, worth the upgrade absolutely. new stuffs: – Support for IOS Sensor for advanced features and remote profiling on the switch. – Active scan with NMAP. – A new portal guest type Device Registration…

SOA, Cloud and the network–part 1

Image via Wikipedia It is now a quite very long time we talk about new architectures for our environment. What is leading the way, nowadays, is talking about SOA and Cloud, but what do really means for us implementing those architecture in our networks? One of the problem I’ve noticed when talking with customers and partners is that they usually try to use the same techniques they used for the old network deployment to the new ones. this is a mistake for several reasons, but for a mere philosophical point of view make a little, if not at all, sense to apply…

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