
Terrorism, religion and us

Recent events in Paris raised once again out attention on terrorism, and fueled once again the trumpet of hate and rage. It is horrible what happened, it is horrible because innocent people died, it is horrible because a God and a Religion have been used once again to justify what is only the pleasure of killing from sick animals, it is horrible because will bring a long chain of sufferance again even between muslins. It is easy to see now people claiming we don’t have to accept Syrian refugee: at the end they are muslin too, and therefore terrorist. Such…

Charlie Hebdo, fanatismo, integralismo e noi

Non cessa mai di stupirmi come un evento tragico scateni spesso e sovente la pare peggiore di noi: invece di fermarsi a pensare, ragionare ed analizzare cosa sia successo si parte in crociate semplicistiche quanto dannose. Mi riferisco ovviamente alle deliziose affermazioni di Calderoli, che critica il Papa per dialogare con l’Islam, come se quest’ultimo non abbia la grandezza morale, etica e culturale per farlo, fortuna che c’è lui [Calderoli] a indicare la via. Del resto la chiusura delle frontiere e l’uscita da Schengen caldeggiata da Salvini va in quella direzione. Che facciamo, chiudiamo le frontiere a chi viene da…

Diary of an acquisition part1

Ok I know many of us experienced this kind of trip once in a lifetime. I have travelled acquisition a lot of times, when mondadori informatica was absorbed  by the mother comany mondadori, when brightmail become part of symantec, when symantec acquired veritas software and moved all european management to veritas, and at the end when cisco systems acquired Ironport. All acquisitions means change and most of the changes are not well accepted, but I’m a long traveller on the seas of IT company and I’m quite used to changes so what has meant to me an acquisition? The last…

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