Memory Line: quando scrivevo su riviste su iOS security

Questa anche non la ricordavo, 2013 in quel periodo ne scrivevo di robe inutili 🙂 ma oggi ero in vena di ricercarmi, lol 🙂 per non dimenticare ovvy che oramai alla mie età … e si parla ancora di QR code iOS Hacking iOS Application Hacking, a rising starBy Antonio Ieranò, VP – Security Analyst and R&D Advisor at KBE Intelligence Mobile computing is a reality and mobile security is an obvious consequence. As we all are aware the market is nowadays divide into 3 main stream: Android, iOS and the others. Although Android is under the spotlight since its birth…

NFV network function virtualization security considerations

I have been asked to write down a few things related to NFV and security. NFV is relatively a new thing in the IT world. It has been on the news in 2012 and since then it has followed the developing path common to the virtualization technologies. Virtualization has made dramatic improvement in the last years. It all started at first with simple virtualization platforms, of course VMware on top of our mind, but not only. The idea was to abstract HW platforms from software ones. Developing the idea, the abstraction growth covering multiple hw platforms moving also to the…

A Fight for the future message: The following companies just betrayed billions of people.

The following companies just betrayed billions of people. Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, and a handful of other tech companies just began publicly lobbying Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a bill that would give corporations total legal immunity when they share private user data with the government and with each other. Many of these companies have previously claimed to fight for their users’ privacy rights, but by supporting this bill they’ve made it clear that they’ve abandoned that position, and are willing to endanger their users’ security and civil rights in exchange for government handouts and protection….

Attenzione! run di attacchi ransomware in Italia

Sono già due giorni che ricevo notifiche di aziende e soggetti colpiti da diverse versioni di Kryptoloker ed altri ransomware. Evidentemente c’è una recrudescenza di questi attacchi nel nostro paese in questi giorni. Alcune versioni sono rimaste “undetected” anche dai maggiori antivirus che stanno provvedendo a emettere patch specifiche (kudos a Sophos per la rapidità ed efficienza di intervento in un caso da me incontrato). Per i non addetti al settore, questi malware si installano in macchine ospiti infettate ed iniziano a procedere alla encryption di documenti, files e cartelle. Se la macchina ha accesso a share remoti anche questi…

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