Information technology

The IoT Files: Culture

The IoT Files: Culture   In the previous IoT flies tried to outline what are, from my point of view, some key factor that have to be taken into account when talking about IoT. The last, but not the least, point I would like to put some notes is culture. Since IoT is something that will shape out way of life on many aspect, we have to convene that culture is a key element in order to positively and safely embrace it. Culture refers to billions of things, from language structure to literature, from how we share information to how…

Dell PowerEdge VRTX

PowerEdge VRTX shared infrastructure platform check it here: I usually do not make comment on HW infrastructures or platforms but I have to admit that today, after a chat with my neighbourhood, I fall in love with this one. When thinking about SMB market and IT we always face a dualism between computational and storage needs and, on the other side, strict budgets and low resources. Low resources also means space, energy, people constrains and so on. So here we are a small object, that contains all the HW needed for a SMB or a branch, flexible and easy to manage. Drive Bays Up to…

Sicurezza informatica: l’Italia è ancora indietro

Sicurezza informatica: l’Italia è ancora indietro: Troppo scarse le misure sul fronte della prevenzione da attacchi informatici prese dalle Pmi. I dati Clusit, Associazione Italiana per la Sicurezza Informatica ha reso noti risultati di un’indagine sulla preparazione delle imprese italiane sul fronte … Guarda tutti gli articoli su questo argomento » Related posts: CLUSIT: Rapporto della sicurezza informatica aziendale nel 2012 Forensic Software Tools Security in a Virtual World V-Valley Security: Cloud e Information Technology GDPR and the technology market Powered by YARPP.

CLUSIT: Rapporto della sicurezza informatica aziendale nel 2012

CLUSIT: Rapporto della sicurezza informatica aziendale nel 2012: L’ultima edizione del Rapporto CLUSIT (Associazione Italiana per la Sicurezza Informatica) fotografa un’Italia ancora claudicante sulla sicurezza informatica, … Related posts: Sicurezza informatica: l’Italia è ancora indietro Un prezioso report sulla sicurezza | OsservatorioSicurezza Informatica Proposta: estendiamo le ferie scolastiche fino al 31 dicembre Looking for a new career opportunity L’ipocrisia della forma ed il senso della giustizia Powered by YARPP.

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