
the hypocrisy of religious extremism

No matter wich side you watch it, religious extremism is always using things to justify its own acts. There is no place for self-criticism, just only God rules as they claim to be. Science is one of the first victim, as well as the freedom of speech and the right to criticism. No other idea can be admitted, just only the truth and righteous one, and of course there are only a few that can show what this truth is. Can be the Koran, the Bible, the Torah and Talmud or the Book of Mormon, we always find someone who…

This member chose to be shown as anonymous

This member chose to be shown as anonymous | LinkedIn This member chose to be shown as anonymous Oct 21 2014http://gty.im/108456228 225Views 20Likes 5Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter I mean really? You’re on LinkedIn and you chose to be anonymous? This is something I hardly understand, why don’t tell who you are when you visit someone else profile? I understand that sometimes there are people you want to block from watching your activities on linkedin, It happened to me once a previous employer who was watching my LinkedIn activities every day,…

Managers and Leaders are not the same thing

Managers and Leaders are not the same thing | LinkedIn Managers and Leaders are not the same thing Oct 29 2014 120Views 18Likes 4Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter There is always a lot of talk about managers and leadership, but I sometimes have the feeling there is a little confusion on the subject. I can agree that a manager needs to have leadership qualities, as some other key soft skills, but leadership, per se, is not enough. Wait, this means that a great leader can’t be also a great manager? Exactly,…

FW SPAM: My dear friend

I’m crying —–Original Message—– From: hjgrelee@daum.net [mailto:hjgrelee@daum.net] Sent: Tuesday 16 July 2013 11:27 To: mrsleejesicca@yahoo.com.au Subject: My dear friend My dear, My name is Mrs. Jesicca Lee; a dying woman who has decided to donate what I have for the good work of charity. I was diagnosed for breast cancer for about 2 years now.I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband to you for the good work of God, rather than allow my husband evil relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly. They don’t care about man kind,…

Leonardo da Vinci, Obama e Berlusconi

Ebbene si Il nostro Leonardo da Vinci  della politica (cosi si è definito con infinita modestia il Nostro Primo Ministro e Presidente del consiglio Silvio Berlusconi nel sipario comico, di cui parlavo nel post di ieri, dall’ineffabile bruno vespa a Porta a Porta)  non si è trattenuto ed ha dovuto, ancora una volta, deliziarci col suo fine senso dell’umorismo e savoir fare. Ad un  G8 sottotono per i problemi che affliggono il mondo, ha pensato di rendere partecipe il presidente degli stati uniti Barak Obama dei problemi che affliggono l’italico stivale al fine di risollevargli il morale dopo aver incontrato…

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