
Security Summit :: Il 12 marzo si apre l’edizione 2013: pronto il programma, definiti i contenuti

Steve Purser, Head of the Technical Department, ENISA (Photo credit: Security & Defence Agenda) Security Summit :: Il 12 marzo si apre l’edizione 2013: pronto il programma, definiti i contenuti Il 12 marzo si apre l’edizione 2013: pronto il programma, definiti i contenuti E’ praticamente definito il programma della prima tappa del Security Summit 2013 che si aprirà la mattina del 12 marzo a Milano. Si inizia infatti con un ospite d’eccezione, Steve Purser, Head of Technical Department, ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency, che disegnerà il quadro dei progetti europei in tema di Ict security, tema di grande rilevanza…

FW SPAM: hello, i see your profile at (linkedin.com)

    From: Blessing Soumah [mailto:soumah_blessing@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: Thursday 20 September 2012 15:12 To: soumah_blessing@yahoo.co.uk Subject: hello, i see your profile at (linkedin.com) Hello My Dear, How are you today?? My name is Miss Blessing, I saw your profile at (linkedin.com) I like to be your friend ok;Please contact me back at my my private email address (soumah_blessing) i will give you my pictures and my details for you to know whom i am Attached here is one off my picture have a nice day Yours Blessing Related posts: Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuole sapere: a chi hai…

Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012!

Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012! LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Thanks for playing a unique part in our community! Read More This is an occasional email to help you get the most of LinkedIn. UnsubscribeThis email was intended for Antonio Ieranò (Security Consultant, Speaker, Trainer and Blogger). Learn why we include this. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation….

How to Become an Ethical Hacker

Image via WikipediaHow to Become an Ethical Hacker: Not all hackers do evil work. Here’s what you need to know to use your hacking skills to do good. By Eric Geier, PCWorld Do viruses, DDoS attacks, or buffer overflows tickle your fancy? If so, you might consider becoming a legal hacker, aka an ethical … Related articles Ethical Hackers (ritcyberselfdefense.wordpress.com) Ethical hacker tells how to beat censorship (kractivist.wordpress.com) DDoS the Weapon of Choice for Hackers Driven by Politics, Not Profits (technewsworld.com) Does Facebook really embody “The Hacker Way”? Famous hackers discuss (venturebeat.com) The Guru of ethical hacking speaks (ibnlive.in.com) And…

Sicurezza Informatica: Il mondo e l’Italia

Sicurezza Informatica: Il mondo e l’Italia   Pubblicato il 19 dicembre 2011 da Antonio Ierano Ogni tanto è utile fare il punto su dove siamo in termini di sicurezza informatica e relativa awareness (comodo termine inglese che indica lo stato di conoscenza e coscienza che si ha nei confronti di una certa tematica). Questo esercizio serve principalmente per capire se ci stiamo muovendo nella direzione corretta e se abbiamo, o meno, il polso della situazione anche in termini di evoluzioni future. Per nostra fortuna, periodicamente vendors ed aziende che si occupano di ricerce o di sicurezza ci offrono dei report che ci aiutano…

Talking Points – Security week review

  Talking Points Security week review The end of an era? Or, may be, just the beginning? Good morning my friends as we all all aware Lulzsec closed its operation after 50 days of astonishing activities. Is that really the end? or just the beginning? While a group seems to fade, another one revamp, Anonymous taken the Lulzec legacy and both Operation Payback and AntiSec seems to strikes again and again. Brazil, USA, Italy, Spain Greece, Americas and Europe, Asia and Africa seems there is no border for Cyber Aktivists and Cyberwarfare. So if LulzSec closed operations (but it is really…

Berlusconi ed il popolo dei brainless

Image by Hytok via Flickr Lo sapevo che sarebbe successo.  Il Silvio Berlusconi nazionale va da Bruno Vespa a Porta a Porta ed in un impeto istrionico da consumato showman (e non per fare campagna politica, come I malevoli avversari affermano) ci delizia ancora una volta con le sue folgoranti battute. Spiega che il calo di voti alla sua augusta persona è da imputarsi esclusivamente al lenzuolo, pardon, scheda elettorale che rendeva difficile il riconoscimento del logo. In effetti la sua rchiesta di avere un logo più grande per il PDL era comprensibile. Dopotutto, come ha affermato in un processo,…

PostOffice: A Facebook Hack

Image via CrunchBasePostOffice: A Facebook Hack: “A Facebook Hack OK I do not have an account on Facebook, but as many of us I know there is some danger there (I read I listen and pretend to understand those issues usually, lol).Saturday my wife comes to me (she has a Facebook account) telling that some of her contacts have been hacked.” Related articles Facebook’s Hack-A-Months Cause Disruption, Innovation (fastcompany.com) Facebook Scams You Need To Know About: The 9 Most Common Hacks And Attacks (huffingtonpost.com) Privacy Hacking Worse Than PR Flacking (yro.slashdot.org) Facebook Spam: I Have Hacked Facebook Account (shoutmeloud.com) Script…

Privacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald

Image via CrunchBasePrivacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald: “ Do you know Mr. George Bronk? He’s a “smart” guy, using a little social engineering and a good dose of smartass brain he hacked a lot of women’s account Facebook and email, checking for hot sexy pics of the owners.” Related articles Privacy Hacking Worse Than PR Flacking (yro.slashdot.org) JOURNALIST ARRESTED OVER FACEBOOK PRIVACY REPORT (Media; Social Media) (thepulsemagazine.onsugar.com) Lawyer: Facebook abuser doesn’t deserve prison (sfgate.com) Facebook’s Hack-A-Months Cause Disruption, Innovation (fastcompany.com) Microsoft states that 1 in 14 downloads is malicious (theinformativereport.com) 3 Ways to…

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