
is Free and investigative Journalism in danger?

I live in a country, Italy, where journalism is not a synonymous of freedom, objectivity or courage. In the past we have had great journalists able to put their life at the service of a profession that require total dedication, but today the market offer really a few example of journalism, most are just “the voice of the boss” as mr. Sallusti or mr. Belpietrto. I always seen that outside there were great journalists, free and brave ones. Journalists able to fight and find scandals or inconvenient truths, and this was accepted and even defended by their governments who considered…

Groklaw forced to close, another piece of freedom is leaving internet

Here I usually don’t copy other blogs article, but i will make an exception to this one that comes from an historical free blog Groklaw. is sad to read this blog article and knowing this is the last one, this is a sad moment for the internet, our capability to freely express our ideas is in great danger. Government have always tried to shut down or control the internet, we were clearly worried about china, north corea and even russia, but now PRISM made everything worse. But when  Journalists like Barret Brown risk 100 years in prison in USA, or…

Digging it up on Security Costs and Security Budgets – part1

In my previous article, security costs and security budget, I made some assumption to simplify an introductory analysis on how much we should spend on security. Some of those assumptions have been made to simplify out tasks. Today I would like to quickly analyse some of those simplifications. One of the biggest assumption I made on the previous article is that if a problem cost us X then we can find a number n that express the number of incidents I’m allowed to permit so that nX can express the cost I’m allowed to accept. This simplification was based on…

Security Costs and Security Budgets

When I’m talking about security with customers, partners or at an event the first question I usually receive is: “how much this will cost to me?” This is an understandable question, costs have to be monitored and expenditure have to be planned wisely, the problem of  how much I canshould spend on security is a quite interesting topic. The problem, alas, is that usually IT managers do not use a clear model when planning investment in security but seamed to be attracted more by strange inner believes than a empirical analysis of cost and benefits. Another point that I’ve always found quite curious is that I’ve…

The unemployed mood

Today is not really an happy day. Although I’m fighting to find reason for a good mood is not always easy to smile when you’re still fighting to find a job, the economic situation is not nice and perspective are even worse. What can  a 47 guy looking  for a position do? They say that if this not kills you make you stronger, wish it is the truth but there are days where you feel as you live in the wrong world. I spent a lot of my life trying to be one of the best in what I do, and…

Paralimpici: Pancalli, tagli dal governo

Paralimpici: Pancalli, tagli dal governoCorriere della Sera(ANSA) – ROMA – Tagli per oltre 720mila euro al Comitato paralimpico italianoda parte del governo: lo annuncia il presidente Luca Pancalli, dicendosi esterrefatto e aggiungendo che la novita’ mette a rischio le esigenze di alcune Federazioni per i …Guarda tutti gli articoli su questo argomento » Related articles Prova de setembro 2009 reformulação Easier version : Dal Bukhara / Dal Makhni / Kali dal “Follow Me” Series by Murad Osmann The taming of losing it – Bisbetica di quel saltato dal fisso – Îmblânzirea săritului de pe fix I mattoni di Benassi dal…

(ISC)2 SecureRome Conference 2013

SecureRome Conference 2013 Tuesday, 9th July, 2013 Università degli studi di Roma “La  Sapienza“, Italy 08.45 – 09.15    Registration & Arrival Coffee                            Foyer to Aula Odeion                           09.15 – 09.20    Welcome Note Prof. Dr. Claudio Cilli Professor, University la Sapienza / EuropeanAdvisory Board Member, (ISC)2      Aula Odeion 09.20 – 09.30    Chairman’s Opening Remarks                         John Colley                         Managing Director, (ISC)² EMEA Aula Odeion                             09.30 – 10.15    Opening Keynote Address: TBC TBC TBC, University La Sapienza Aula Odeion             10.15 – 11.00    S1: What Skills are required in Infosec today? Richard Nealon Member of the (ISC)² Board of Directors &…

(ISC)2 Webminar: Mobile Security: Tre Sistemi Operativi (e un quarto) in barca

Il 22 Maggio 2013 alle 17:00, Antonio Ierano, socio di (ISC)2 Italy Chapter, presentera’ il secondo approfondimento su “Mobile Security”. In questa sessione, Antonio illustrera’ i problemi legati alle diverse piattaforme (iOS, Android, Windows Phone e Blackberry) attualmente usate nei device mobili:  Tre  Sistemi Operativi (e un quarto) in barca iOS, Android e Windows si dividono fondamentalmente il mercato mobile tra tablet, smarthphone, e laptop. Quali sono le precauzioni da prendere quando li usiamo (o cerchiamo/dobbiamo usarli/farli usare) tutti insieme? Possono i nostri dati realmente essere condivisi tra differenti device in maniera sicura ed efficace? Quali soluzioni esistono sul mercato per facilitare…

(ISC)2 Italy Chapter Site » Mobile Security Series – Beyond BYOD – Slides

(ISC)2 Italy Chapter Site » Mobile Security Series – Beyond BYOD – Slides Mobile Security Series – Beyond BYOD – Slides inShare1 Le slide del primo approfondimento (ISC)2 Italy Chapter sul Mobile (Beyond BYOD) sono disponibili ai soci a questo link(*): Webinar – (ISC)2 Italy – Mobile Series 1 – Beyond BYOD Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno seguito il seminario e ancor di piu’ chi ha dedicato del tempo per completare il sondaggio sull’iniziativa. Stay tuned: nelle prossime settimane vi informeremo sulle date del secondo e poi del terzo seminario della serie. (*) Per accedere alle slides e’ necessario essere Soci di (ISC)2 Italy Chapter; l’utenza…

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