
Look what I found

While digging some pictures for my website i found a few old certifications of mine, the old MCP one, the MCT MCSE that state since 1996, even the Cisco Ironport Certification (I used to be a trainer) and the old ASE and ACT compaq certification. Geez I feel so old. in the same dig i were trying to find pictures of my previous job activities but I’m afraid I were not able to find anything. But at least I found a few old business card, I have never been a huge fan of Business Cards so it was quite a…

I’ve updated my website ierano.it

After a long while I have updated my website www.ierano.it  The update is quite heavy, I’ve added and expanded my personal section with my past work experiences, and my skills. I have also added a section that i called Ring of Value where i putting the name and a link (just one per person) of the people I have had the pleasure to work with and I respect more. Since I asked permission the list is still a work in progress till the people answer to me, but i think is a god way to pay my respect to serious and…

Good Bye Madiba

    Sad news yesterday night when I listen you passed away. We ought you a lot. Nelson Mandela has been not only a symbol, but a living example of how man should be.   A hero, yes, mostly because he gave his life to a cause: all men need to be judged by their actions not their color. I’m sure we’re millions now we write about his death, as we were millions waiting to know what where happening when he was in the hospital.       Madiba you’ve been a Giant among Men, also compared to the righteous ones, so…

Xiadani, Rika and Omarita in Marradi

  There are places that I like a lot, and Marradi is one of them. Somewhere between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna is a place where we go always with pleasure, also because we have our “Babbo” there.  We made the usual visit for the “festa della castagne” as we do every year. I enjoyed food, the market and, most of all, Babbo friendship.     And as you can see here Rika, Xidani and Omarita seemed to enjoy as well 🙂               Brutti-boni – Tuscan Almond Cookies Italy’s Greatest Gastronomic Treasure, Emilia-Romagna: The Secrets Behind…

Xiadani ad halloween

  Xiadani at halloween, Soooooo cute, isn’t she? Related posts: Xiadani, Rika and Omarita in Marradi An Amazing New World Wide Green Awareness Campaign Gli Aspetti legali della sicurezza informatica – Epeople Academy … Ise Training day 2 « The Puchi Herald: A.I. Tech Update Wanted Dead or Alive: The Human Factor Powered by YARPP.

Foretelling: Will Crystal Balls Run On Android?

  TECHNOLOGY   Foretelling: Will Crystal Balls Run On Android?   By Antonio Ieranò on November 3, 2013 at 10:22 AM   It is always good to take a look at the people in the metro or train to get a better sense of the impact of technology in our lives. Consumers’ rapidly evolving and new tastes become apparent, a process that should interest anyone with some interest in where we are headed. Until not very long ago, it was common to see few commuters reading newspapers or magazines while most stood up trying not sleep. Today things have changed. The expansion…

Una piccola storia sulla Agenzia delle Entrate

Curiosamente tutte le volte che devo parlare dell’italia all’estero vengono sempre fuori episodi dove noi italiani non facciamo proprio una gran bella figura. Non che la cosa mi stupisca particolarmente, ad onor del vero, sparare contro  l’I talia è cme sparare contro la croce rossa, facciamo di tutto per farci notare per le peggio cose. Ma ultimamente mi hanno raccontato una storia che, se fosse vera, è realmente disturbante ma esemplific in maniera chiara il ruolo che ha assunto il nostro stato nei confronti degli altri: vessatorio, intimidatorio e riccattatore. La storia che mi hanno raccontato fa riferimento al comportamento…

Cosa ci rende italiani?

Prendo il treno da Pavia la mattina, poi la metropolitana, quattro fermate da Rogoredo a Porta Romana. un tragitto che mi espone ad un campione di umanità varia per età, sesso, etnia. Trovo interessante notare come la composizione etnica sia cambiata nel corso degli anni: latinos, asiatici, caucasici, di colore si mescolano nei vagoni per quelle 4 fermate. non posso fare a meno di pensare che questa composizione dieci anni fa era sicuramente diversa. Talvolta parlano lingue che non capisco, altre volte parlano lingue che comprendo con accenti esotici o diversi, e non mancano coloro che parlano in perfetto italiano,…

e l’Italia scoprì PRISM

Viaggiare in metropolitana è interessante per diversi motivi, da un lato scopri usi e costumi della gente, come cambiano le abitudini, il modo di vestirsi, la composizione etnografica, dall’altro puoi farti una idea di quanto la gente legga, cosa legga e, nel caso dei quotidiani, anche vedere le prime pagine anche se non hai avuto tempo di farti la rassegna in tv o non hai voglia di fartela online. Oggi l’occhio mi è caduto, casualmente, sul corriere della sera che riportava in prima pagina la notizia che anche l’italia è stata spiata dagli americani. La cosa sfiora abbastanza il ridicolo…

Wanted Dead or Alive: The Human Factor

TECHNOLOGY originally published on DaftBlogger.com Wanted Dead or Alive: The Human Factor By Antonio Ieranò on September 29, 2013 at 7:45 PM Contents [hide] 1 From where should we start? 2 I said it all but… 3 Theory? OK I confess I am quite bored to listen to all those knowledgeable IT security experts talking about what is needed to secure a system. Everyone has his own point of view; of course they’re right when they say we need end-point security, mobile protection, anti-malware, anti-hacking, dlp, advance threat defense and protection. We all know we need firewalls, IPSIDS, cypher encryption systems, SSO, 802.1x, strong authentication, anti-virus, anti-everything,…

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