
"La Notte della Rete"

Non sarà una vigilia tranquilla per l’Agcom: sarà, piuttosto, “La Notte della Rete”. Il 5 luglio, a 24 ore dall’approvazione della Delibera definita “ammazza-Internet” dai blogger italiani, artisti, esponenti della rete, leader politici, cittadini e utenti del web si troveranno a Roma per una no-stop contro il provvedimento.Per maggiori informazioni sul provvedimento dell’Agcom vai alla pagina: www.agoradigitale.org/nocensura L’evento si svolgerà martedì 5 luglio dalle 17.30 alle 21 presso la Domus Talenti a Roma ( via delle Quattro Fontane, 113 ) partecipa anche tu alla nostra mobilitazione. Fai sentire la tua voce! Fra i presenti già confermati: Olivero Beha, Rita Bernardini,…

Talking Points – Security week review

  Talking Points Security week review The end of an era? Or, may be, just the beginning? Good morning my friends as we all all aware Lulzsec closed its operation after 50 days of astonishing activities. Is that really the end? or just the beginning? While a group seems to fade, another one revamp, Anonymous taken the Lulzec legacy and both Operation Payback and AntiSec seems to strikes again and again. Brazil, USA, Italy, Spain Greece, Americas and Europe, Asia and Africa seems there is no border for Cyber Aktivists and Cyberwarfare. So if LulzSec closed operations (but it is really…

Lesson from SecurID breach: Don’t trust your security vendor

Lesson from SecurID breach: Don’t trust your security vendorNetwork World… Security’s SecurID products have reportedly been central to the attacks, which fell on the heels of many other recent and high-profile attacks, such as those that hit Sony’s PlayStation Network, HBGary and NASDAQ’s Directors Desk web software used … Related articles Sony Goes Down…Again? (benzinga.com) Military Contractor Breached With SecurID Attack (beskerming.com) Sony network attacked again, hackers claim !! (technonxt.wordpress.com) Sony hacked again (americablog.com) Sony PlayStation Network restored in US, Europe (seattletimes.nwsource.com) Sony Pictures Falls Victim to Major Data Breach (pcworld.com) Sony restores PlayStation network (bbc.co.uk) A Different Take on…

PostOffice: Mobile users and security (Update)

PostOffice: “Mobile users and security (Update)0 commentswe finally have also the abstract and the agenda of the Clusit training that Alessio Pennasilico and I will held. here you are(check clusit website for registration and location) https://edu.clusit.it/ At first was the computer on the desktop. The, a day the modem comes home, and VPN and then laptop computers. And desktops were changed by laptops, and then mobile phones and we started to use them as modems, exchange mails, then arrived wap browsing, and after that the full browser ones, and complex web applications and smarthphones, tablets… https://clusit.it/” Related posts: Whoops! Check…

PostOffice: A Facebook Hack

Image via CrunchBasePostOffice: A Facebook Hack: “A Facebook Hack OK I do not have an account on Facebook, but as many of us I know there is some danger there (I read I listen and pretend to understand those issues usually, lol).Saturday my wife comes to me (she has a Facebook account) telling that some of her contacts have been hacked.” Related articles Facebook’s Hack-A-Months Cause Disruption, Innovation (fastcompany.com) Facebook Scams You Need To Know About: The 9 Most Common Hacks And Attacks (huffingtonpost.com) Privacy Hacking Worse Than PR Flacking (yro.slashdot.org) Facebook Spam: I Have Hacked Facebook Account (shoutmeloud.com) Script…

Privacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald

Image via CrunchBasePrivacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald: “ Do you know Mr. George Bronk? He’s a “smart” guy, using a little social engineering and a good dose of smartass brain he hacked a lot of women’s account Facebook and email, checking for hot sexy pics of the owners.” Related articles Privacy Hacking Worse Than PR Flacking (yro.slashdot.org) JOURNALIST ARRESTED OVER FACEBOOK PRIVACY REPORT (Media; Social Media) (thepulsemagazine.onsugar.com) Lawyer: Facebook abuser doesn’t deserve prison (sfgate.com) Facebook’s Hack-A-Months Cause Disruption, Innovation (fastcompany.com) Microsoft states that 1 in 14 downloads is malicious (theinformativereport.com) 3 Ways to…

PostOffice: New Cisco securtity report

Image via CrunchBasePostOffice: New Cisco securtity report Related articles Cisco debuts ‘private cloud’ controller (networkworld.com) Related posts: Ise Training day 2 « The Puchi Herald: A.I. Tech Update Configure cisco ISE for Cisco Access Points Is Big C missing the point on security? Diary of an acquisition part1 What if… Powered by YARPP.

Talking Points–Security week review

Talking Points Security week review First of all sorry for the late publishing, but as some of you could have noticed the blogger platform experienced a failure this Friday that hold also to some post and comment being lost. so it s not only Amazon cloud service that fails .Speaking of failure the PSN affair is still on the news, the network is still experiencing problems, and some security analysts says they’re still far away from providing a decent level of security. I’m afraid this is not the end of the story. we’ll see more news on this I’m pretty…

Talking Points

Image via Wikipedia Talking Points Plenty of stuffs this week, as usual, we cannot start without talking about the Royal Wedding Today is the day, the royal wedding is coming and everyone is so excited that can’t stop himself from opening any email, link, search result or whatever related to the biggest event in human history .Ok may be a little too much but for sure the royal wedding event is moving tons of gadget, interest and cybercriminal activities online but how could not expect something like this, where media are so deeply involved?as a matter of fact several security…

Spear Phishing: can it fool me?

Image via Wikipedia Recent articles in the news remind me that anyone can be fooled by a good scam. the problem is always the trust we gave to the communication we received. is not just a financial problem (you remember the Madoff scam?) but a problem that can hit anyone, even expert guys can fall.The most recent was the hack occurs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, but it is just the last of an infinite series. Also the RSA securID breach  was prepared with spear phishing. What is spear phishing? Spear phishing is an e-mail spoofing fraud attempt that targets…

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