
Kodak, l’ultimo scatto

Image via Wikipedia Kodak, l’ultimo scatto: Il gigante della fotografia abbandonera’ definitivamente la produzione di macchine compatte e videocamere. E’ la fine di un’era durata piu’ di 130 anni. Gli sforzi di business si concentreranno ora sulle stampanti Related articles Kodak To Stop Making Cameras, Digital Frames (toptechnews.com) Kodak Gives Up on Digital Camera Business (ecommercetimes.com) Why Kodak’s Passing Makes Me Sad (gizmodo.com.au) Kodak … ??? (pixiq.com) Related posts: Atti di fede razionale (Update) Easycloud company profile 2013 – EN Società da tenere d’occhio : EASYCLOUD.IT Diritto dell’informazione / Ritorna lo spettro del SOPA all’italiana Attacchi alla sicurezza informatica –…

Se il DDoS è un atto politico

Se il DDoS è un atto politico: … gli intervistati coinvolti nella ricerca dell’azienda che si occupa di sicurezza informatica, sempre più spesso dietro un DDoS o un tentativo più o meno riuscito di crack dei sistemi altrui c’è la politica, l’ideologia, la rivendicazione sociale. Related posts: Digging it up on Security Costs and Security Budgets – part1 How to Become an Ethical Hacker Hakin9 StarterKit 2/2011 – DDOS Attacks | Magazine | IT Security … My Latest Article on Hakin9 is on Ddos Security and Risks Updated Powered by YARPP.

Censura Web, SOPA in Italia: bocciato emendamento Fava

Image via Wikipedia Censura Web, SOPA in Italia: bocciato emendamento Fava: Qualche settimana fa vi avevamo parlato della famosa legge o decreto SOPA (CLICCA QUI), che negli Stati Uniti intende applicare un deciso giro di vite alla libertà di espressione e di condivisione di contenuti sul web. Anche in Italia, qualche giorno … PianetaTech Related articles Buzz Out Loud 1577: SOPA: it ain’t over yet (Podcast) (portadiferro2.blogspot.com) Google SOPA protest (venturebeat.com) SOPA, PIPA fight in ‘last rounds’ (infoworld.com) SOPA, PIPA,… and why all the fuss? (englishelxna2.wordpress.com) Internet Blackout Update (justjennifer.wordpress.com) World War Web Advisory #3: ACTA, SOPA, PIPA and Now…

PostOffice has a new home

Dear All, I moved my blog to another Platform: wordpress.com if you want to keep on following me please look for new articles at: aitechupdate.wordpress.com This blog will not be  updated anymore but it remains active for backup and archive purpose. see youantonio Related posts: Richiesta di aiuto 🙂 The Firesheep firestorm L’equivoco su Hamas E se i tedeschi non si fidassero di noi? Il ventre molle dell’IT italiana: la sicurezza Powered by YARPP.

Forensic Software Tools

Image via Wikipedia Forensic Software Tools This post summarizes the features and advantages of a large number of software forensics tools. For detailed information and technical reports it is always best to view the vendor Web sites as well as organizations that conduct technical reviews and evaluations such as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The Computer Forensic Tools Testing project (CFTT) web site contains additional valuable information: http://www.cftt.nist.gov/disk_imaging.htm http://www.cftt.nist.gov/presentations.htm http://www.cftt.nist.gov/software_write_block.htm The information presented in this chapter is heavily based on the assertions of the various vendors who make the products listed in the chapter. Much of the information…

A.I. Talking Points–Security Week Review

Is not easy to make a summon of what happened in this crazy market every week. Not because there are not enough arguments to explore but, in effect, because there are too much.So let try to find a way to summarize what I’ve found relevant. Mobile security isn’t just for geeks Although many still does not think about mobile security as a real problem in nowadays business, people should try to think better at the actual landscape.  Let’s focus on some main points that also this week have been clearly exposed by news: mobile means a lot of different things…

A.I. Talking Points : Security Week Review

A.I. Talking Points : Security Week Review Welcome back, after a short period of absence (but I posted anyway ) I’m back with the Weekly (more or less) Talking Points.For the ones does not know what Talking Points is is just a short review of the salient news on Security of the last week. just to have a refresh and a short resume and being quickly updated. This is of course related to the long list of article I refer every weeks on PostOffice2 and sometimes to post on my other technical blog PostOffice.Since it is a long time I’m…

Anonymous vs BART (Simpson?) part2

Still I read a lot on Anonymous hacking group, even that they threaten children or declare war against UK for expenditure cuts, also Strauss khan seems to be threatened by Anonymous. Reading news seems that they’re an unstoppable force of nature… I left my thoughts last time on why internet and why now, and why  they’re so (in)famous. So about the first point: why internet?  If they’re a unstructured movement is natural that they choose, grow and move onto the media that makes communication most easier. The relatively growing of importance of social media, messenger and other communication systems made very easy recruitment and association on the met. We…

Hakin9 StarterKit 2/2011 – DDOS Attacks | Magazine | IT Security …

Hakin9 StarterKit 2/2011 – DDOS Attacks | Magazine | IT Security …By EditorThe DDOS, a New „Old” Type of Attack! by Orlando Pivi In this article, Orlando presents the DDoS attack structure and the Botnet structure . He | Hakin9 StarterKit 2/2011 – DDOS Attacks | IT Security Magazine.IT Security Magazine – Hakin9… Related articles June Issue of Hakin9 Magazine: Access Control (felipemartins.info) US battery firms targeted in online attack (news.cnet.com) FBI Arrests Alleged Anonymous Members in Connection With PayPal Hack (portadiferro2.blogspot.com) CCP Joins The Club, Eve Online Targeted By DDoS Attack (portadiferro2.blogspot.com) Fending Off the Latest Cyber Crime, Web…

Confessions of a hacker

Image via Wikipedia Confessions of a hackerMarketplaceBy John Moe Marketplace Tech Report, Monday, August 22, 2011 Before there was Anonymous or LulzSec or any number of other contemporary computer hackers, there was Kevin Mitnick. After a prolific criminal career, time in prison, and a transition to a …Marketplace Scot Finnie: This is no time to skimp on securityComputerworldWho knows what groups like Anonymous, AntiSec and LulzSec will target next? Who knows what other countries or nationally focused groups might target US interests — public or private — using cyber sabotage and warfare techniques, such as those … Louise Mensch MP…

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