Donald Trump

A response to Trump’s Christmas Post

Dear Mr. Trump, First and foremost, let me wish you a Merry Christmas! you wrote a Christmas message with your questionable prose I report here: Donald J. TrumpTruth Social, 25 dicembre 2024 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people building it over 110 years ago). They’re making sure that the United States, the greatest country in the world, puts in BILLIONS of dollars in “repair” money but gets absolutely NOTHING in return. NOTHING! And to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose citizens…

USA presidential debate: perchè sono contento di non essere statunitense

I dibattiti politici per me sono sempre, mediamente, fonte di perplessità ed un poco noiosi, ma vedere i due contendenti alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti d’America in un dibattito è solitamente interessante per definire i contorni politici della contesa…fino a che non è arrivato Donald J Trump e noiosa politica si è trasformata in un gioioso show di nonsense alla Monty Python. Ho assistito per curiosità al secondo dibattito, dopo aver visto clip e commenti dell’esilarante primo atto, e sono rimasto parzialmente deluso, Donald J Trump si è limitato, forse perchè gli spegnevano il microfono, e non ha dato fondo…

Privacy Shield just born already dead

The new move coming from the other side of the Ocean (and yes I mean the USA) is aligned with Mr. Trump approach to international agreements. After the Paris climate agreement, Donald Trump’s presidency is shining again in its confrontation with old Europe. The target now is the Privacy Shield Agreement, the agreement that has been reached between the USA and EU in order to protect the privacy of EU citizens whose data are collected by the USA company. It should not comes out as a surprise, historically the two sides of the ocean have had a deep different approach…

Why IT companies are so concerned by latest (and future) USA administration moves.

Latest USA administration moves are rising a lot of concerns towards the IT community, and a lot of concerns worldwide. There are, of course, different sentiments related to political beliefs, ethics and moral considerations that should be considered. I will not enter here in the political, ethical and moral arena to present my personal point of view on the specific subject but I would like make some considerations on the IT sector reactions to what is happening. It is an easy prediction that the future economic outlook will be impacted by USA administration approach and actions, and this can cause…

Watching the new presidents’ acts and talks (and the possible future outlook) And I am scared

I usually do not write here about political stuff, if not in rare occasions but, hey, this is my blog at the end so I can express my feeling and thoughts. I was watching today some videos related to USA president elected Donald Trump and his approach to the news (he would tweet: Fake news, sad!) and, honestly, I am scared to dead. I do not like Mr Trump, USA citizens elected him so I have to cope with that, but this does not means I have to like him. I found most of his tweet questionable, his cult of…

weak manager style

In a previous post ()  I tried to put some rationale on my thoughts about management, designing some of the characteristics a manager usually have (bad ones of course). One of the biggest “Ahas!” new and experienced managers (and the people who work for them) have experienced  is the realization that being a strong manager doesn’t mean being forceful or domineering. It’s just the opposite — strong managers are strong enough to lead through trust, whereas weak managers have to use the force of their job titles to make people listen to them. Most of the management style depicted (not…

The rightful way to make an employee unhappy

Management is a difficult art, management in big corporations is more difficult. Management in a corporation where the multicultural requirement is a need is even harder. We all know it and, to a certain extent, we have to deal with it. We can’t expect everything works well and right, and we have to show flexibility and we have to be open to change and embrace the new but… Let’s be real, no matter how much effort you put sometimes things are just not right. When the environment is too toxic probably is better to leave than hoping for a change. …

Atti di fede razionale (Update)

Rileggo un vecchio post e lo trovo stranamente attuale nonostante l’età (del post, non la mia, maleducati ) il tema della veridicità delle fonti diviene sempre piu pressante nel mondo moderno dove i centri di approvvigionamento delle informazioni sono molteplici. La questione mi è ritornata in mente  diverse volte nel recente passato. A cominciare dall’affaire wikileaks per poi passare alle nostrane vicende politiche con ruby e papy ed infine alla recente tragedia giapponese. Wikileaks mostracome le informazioni che spesso vengono presentate la pubblico non siano veritiere, esiste una dfferenza sotanziale, a leggere I cable segreti ripubblicati, tra cio che si…

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