Barack Obama

Management style, common error to avoid

Management style, common error to avoid Being a manager is a hard job, and it deals with cultural, economical, corporate issues and rules. But being a manager is indeed an important job usually performed with a not clear idea on what a manager should do. We can find Bad and Good managers, and most of the times they do not even realize where they stand in the good or bad dashboard, because usually nobody teach you what to be a manger means. Nevertheless there is a world of literature on management, so If someone really want to improve from naïve…

The IoT Files – Infrastructure

The IoT Files – Infrastructure IoT is a complex argument, we already know it. In my previous introductory post I tried to explain the privacy and security concerns that IoT is bringing to us (ò). Most of those concerns are intercnnected one to the other, but have also a strong relationship with the next point: the infrastructure needed. With Infrastructure I refer to a lot of things, that goes beyond the simply technical aspect, because a real IoT infrastructure goes way beyond the access protocol or the wireless. Wireless Outdoorsindoors Connections But since we named Access protocols and wireless stuffs,…

Terrorism, religion and us

Recent events in Paris raised once again out attention on terrorism, and fueled once again the trumpet of hate and rage. It is horrible what happened, it is horrible because innocent people died, it is horrible because a God and a Religion have been used once again to justify what is only the pleasure of killing from sick animals, it is horrible because will bring a long chain of sufferance again even between muslins. It is easy to see now people claiming we don’t have to accept Syrian refugee: at the end they are muslin too, and therefore terrorist. Such…

Ahmed Mohamed the kid arrested because too smart

What did you do?   There is no doubt that Ahmed Mohamed is a smart guy. He “create” a clock assembling some electronic stuffs at only 14, while most of our kids are, more or less, able to chat and write silliness on Facebook. But his story is quite interesting, you can find on the web a lot on this. To make a long story short apparently the guy bring the handmade clock to school, waiting for praise and compliments. The teacher instead call the police, and the little boy is arrested, handcuffed and brought to prison. Now let be…

FBI Abruptly Walks Out On Senate Briefing After Being Asked How ‘Insider Threat’ Program Avoids Whistleblowers

While we’ve been disappointed that Senator Chuck Grassley appears to have a bit of a double standard with his staunch support for whistleblowers when it comes to Ed Snowden, it is true that he has fought for real whistleblower protections for quite…

Good Bye Madiba

    Sad news yesterday night when I listen you passed away. We ought you a lot. Nelson Mandela has been not only a symbol, but a living example of how man should be.   A hero, yes, mostly because he gave his life to a cause: all men need to be judged by their actions not their color. I’m sure we’re millions now we write about his death, as we were millions waiting to know what where happening when he was in the hospital.       Madiba you’ve been a Giant among Men, also compared to the righteous ones, so…

Attacchi alla sicurezza informatica – pubblicato il rapporto 2011 …

Attacchi alla sicurezza informatica – pubblicato il rapporto 2011 … Attacchi alla sicurezza informatica – pubblicato il rapporto 2011. 10 Maggio 2012. Pubblicato da Symantec il raporto sulla sicurezza in internet nel 2011.…/attacchi-alla-sicurezza-informatica-pubblicato-i… Related posts: Atti di fede razionale (Update) Leonardo da Vinci, Obama e Berlusconi Gli Aspetti legali della sicurezza informatica – Epeople Academy … Diritto dell’informazione / Ritorna lo spettro del SOPA all’italiana Xiadani, Rika and Omarita in Marradi Powered by YARPP.

Leonardo da Vinci, Obama e Berlusconi

Ebbene si Il nostro Leonardo da Vinci  della politica (cosi si è definito con infinita modestia il Nostro Primo Ministro e Presidente del consiglio Silvio Berlusconi nel sipario comico, di cui parlavo nel post di ieri, dall’ineffabile bruno vespa a Porta a Porta)  non si è trattenuto ed ha dovuto, ancora una volta, deliziarci col suo fine senso dell’umorismo e savoir fare. Ad un  G8 sottotono per i problemi che affliggono il mondo, ha pensato di rendere partecipe il presidente degli stati uniti Barak Obama dei problemi che affliggono l’italico stivale al fine di risollevargli il morale dopo aver incontrato…

Talking Points

Image via Wikipedia Talking Points Plenty of stuffs this week, as usual, we cannot start without talking about the Royal Wedding Today is the day, the royal wedding is coming and everyone is so excited that can’t stop himself from opening any email, link, search result or whatever related to the biggest event in human history .Ok may be a little too much but for sure the royal wedding event is moving tons of gadget, interest and cybercriminal activities online but how could not expect something like this, where media are so deeply involved?as a matter of fact several security…

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