Security and Datacenters

A Datacenter is a collection of several different elements, all working together to offer a platform to our digital needs. A datacenter is actually a mix of different elements, some logic some physical, it is just not a mere collection of elements but a complex systems with a lot of interactions. We can easily see inside the datacenter, cables, racks, servers, network equipments, storage units and so on but all are there (or should be there) for a purpose and are interconnected. A big part of a datacenter is not even visible; it is the software and data running in…

The IoT Files – Infrastructure

The IoT Files – Infrastructure IoT is a complex argument, we already know it. In my previous introductory post I tried to explain the privacy and security concerns that IoT is bringing to us (ò). Most of those concerns are intercnnected one to the other, but have also a strong relationship with the next point: the infrastructure needed. With Infrastructure I refer to a lot of things, that goes beyond the simply technical aspect, because a real IoT infrastructure goes way beyond the access protocol or the wireless. Wireless Outdoorsindoors Connections But since we named Access protocols and wireless stuffs,…

Security and Risks Updated

When I’m talking about security with customers, partners or at an event the first question I usually receive is: how much this will cost to me? This is an understandable question, costs have to be monitored and expenditures have to be planned wisely;  how much I can spend on security is a quite interesting topic. The problem, alas, is that usually IT managers do not use a clear model when planning investment in security but seemed to be attracted more by strange inner believes than an empirical analysis of cost and benefits. Another point that I’ve always found quite curious is that…

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