Association of Southeast Asian Nations

English T-Shirts In Asia (20+ Pics)

English T-Shirts In Asia (20+ Pics)   One of the great things about the world we live in is the rich and diverse variety of languages that you can find across the globe. The only problem is that, as you can see from these pictures, sometimes these languages don’t quite translate… In homage to hilarious translation fails, shameless has compiled this list of t-shirts from East Asia that don’t quite say what they should (“Texas state it’s a triangle OMG so hipster triangle”, for example). Some of them don’t say anything at all (well, not unless “temmby woroing terrislylastly” means anything…

Time for enterprises to think about security, seriously

View image | UE directive on Attack against information systems  give us no more excuse to deal seriously, Under the new rules, illegal access, system interference or interception constitute criminal offence across the EU. But while the legislator is working to create tools to address cybercrime as a Whole system problem, that is affecting EU economy, what are enterprise doing on this side? The problem is that if enterprises does not align their cyber security defence to the correct approach every legislation will be useless, because the target will be always too easy. Makes absolutely no sense to start…

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