
Maslow hierarchy of needs applied to employee engagement

Maslow hierarchy of needs can be applied to employee engagement; it is an interesting exercise since help us to understand why we should implement correction in our management style in order to retain talents and best performers inside the company. The 5 level of Maslow can be somehow translated into the engagement level of the employee as showed in the image. So let try to understand the 5 levels. This five stage model can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. The first four levels are often referred to as deficiency needs and the top level is known as…

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica Siamo ormai abituati ad avere a che fare con espressioni linguistiche costituite da un nome e due numeri puntati il cui secondo è uno zero: tipo 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 eccetera. Messe in ordine ascendente, le cifre dovrebbero suggerire un’evoluzione, un passaggio verso una versione più avanzata (o aggiornata) di una data situazione o di un certo oggetto. Fra le prime ad imporsi e più note non solo fra gli addetti ai lavori c’è sicuramente “web 2.0”. Si tratta di un fenomeno affascinante dal punto di vista ideale, che ha fatto cultura, che ha…

“Chinglish” – Hilarious Translations

Weekly 原创 2016-10-05 Spoonhunt Spoonhunt Spoonhunt source: Spoonhunt 微信号 spoonhunt 功能介绍 Discover & explore food around you with menus translated into English all over Asia!       As Spoonhunt brings you translated menu items so you don’t have to guess at every Chinese menu you come across, we’re always looking for funny translations in China. Here are some of the funniest bad translations we found this week. Have some funny Chinglish you want to share? Send us the picture on WeChat! We will pick the best ones each week to post! User Submitted: CHRIS in GUILIN Shmke Your Groove Thmng. Correct translation – 舞蹈室 Dance Studio User Submitted: TOMÁS in SHENZHEN Nothing…

Learning from mistakes is not an easy task to accomplish

Learning from mistakes is not an easy task to accomplish It is common to read that we should learn from our mistakes. It is absolutely true. The problem when we talk about mistakes is to learn how to recognize a mistake, and which lesson we can take from it. Although it seems a simple task to accomplish, it is one of the hardest to do. Recognize a mistake The mistake analysis is a serious thing. First of all we should be able to recognize a mistake Then we should analyze what kind of mistake we are dealing with After we…

The IoT Files: Culture

The IoT Files: Culture   In the previous IoT flies tried to outline what are, from my point of view, some key factor that have to be taken into account when talking about IoT. The last, but not the least, point I would like to put some notes is culture. Since IoT is something that will shape out way of life on many aspect, we have to convene that culture is a key element in order to positively and safely embrace it. Culture refers to billions of things, from language structure to literature, from how we share information to how…


This come without subject but the content is quite clear —–Original Message—– From: patcod [] Sent: Thursday 18 July 2013 04:09 To: Subject:     I am in the military unit here in Afghanistan,we have some amount of funds that we want to move out of the country.My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust. It is risk free and legal. Reply to this email Sincerely Major.Alan Edward Related posts: Hakin9 StarterKit 2/2011 – DDOS Attacks | Magazine | IT Security … Talking Points – Security week review The IoT Files: Culture “Chinglish” –…


Slightly different from the other one, but again if it is a matter of trust how come the same message comes first to me then to me again but usually spam comes with the recipient undisclosed so this must be real 🙂   —–Original Message—– From: win Tep [] Sent: Monday 18 March 2013 10:41 To: Subject: HELLO DEAR   HELLO DEAR   Please permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner. This is necessitated by my urgent need to reach you. This request may seem strange and unsolicited but I will crave your indulgence and…

FW SPAM: Hello friend

Those money are mine, do not eve think to stole them to me 🙂 —–Original Message—– From: win kosal [] Sent: Tuesday 19 February 2013 17:56 Subject: Hello friend Hello friend My name is kosal, I am the bank manager and also an account holder of a deceased customer of a bank in Asia. I am contacting for a good proposal that will benefit both of us if you are interested and trustworthy, Please reply back and lets benefit from this golden opportunity. You are my first contact, and I am contacting you because I need to do the…

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