Application programming interface

What is Openstack

OpenStack is an open source platform for creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers in a cloud computing environment. The platform supports interoperability between cloud services and allow businesses to build and deploy private cloud services in their own data centers. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) worked with Rackspace, a managed hosting and cloud computing service provider, to develop OpenStack. RackSpace donated the code that powers its storage and content delivery service and production servers. NASA contributed the technology that powers their high performance computing, networking and data storage cloud service. OpenStack has a modular architecture…

The IoT Files – Business Models

The IoT Files – Business Models Ok we talked about security, privacy and infrastructure in the last post Here we are. do we really think that IoT will work in the current business model environment? Well I have to tell you, probably it would not. The key factor of IoT will be if it will be able to generate revenue? the problem of revenue is related to the fact they should cover the infrastructure costs, in order to do so, since we already seen that infrastructure costs will be big, as well as security, privacy implication that have, also, a cost, selling devices will not be…

The IoT Files – intro and security

The IoT Files – intro and security I will start a series of posts on the IoT (Internet o Things) since it seems me that most of the talking about IoT are missing some key aspects. I will start with a general introduction, taken from a webinar I delivered recently. There is a lot of rumors around IoT lately. It seems the new holy grail of the technology industry, the panacea that will solve every business pain and will drive us to the next point. All those talking are interesting, but somehow a little bit apologetic, since there is a…

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