Caro HR Manager: Storia di un CV e della sua privacy (GDPR lo dici a tua sorella)

Caro HR Manager: Storia di un CV e della sua privacy (GDPR lo dici a tua sorella) Sono un poco preoccupato, perché la mia impressione è che in Italia, a fronte di una delle legislazioni più severe d’Europa e i nuovi vincoli introdotti od in via di introduzione dal GDPR, il concetto di privacy sia altamente sottovalutato. Il problema ovviamente è insito nella storica sottovalutazione italica dell’impatto delle strutture informatiche all’interno dei processi produttivi, decisionali e manageriali. Insomma non ci si interessa, non si capisce, e non si valuta. Di conseguenza non si correggono comportamenti errati e, allo stesso tempo,…

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Pretty Good Privacy or PGP is a popular program used to encrypt and decrypt email over the Internet, as well as authenticate messages with digital signatures and encrypted stored files. Previously available as freeware and now only available as a low-cost commercial version, PGP was once the most widely used privacy-ensuring program by individuals and is also used by many corporations. It was developed by Philip R. Zimmermann in 1991 and has become a de facto standard for email security. How PGP works Pretty Good Privacy uses a variation of the public key system. In this…

Dataprivacyasia: Antonio Ieranò at Asia’s premier data protection, privacy and cybersecurity conference. Watch videos

Missed @AntonioIerano at Asia‘s premier #dataprotection, #privacy and #cybersecurity conference? Watch videos — Data Privacy Asia (@dataprivacyasia) December 10, 2016 from Missed @AntonioIerano at Asia's premier #dataprotection, #privacy and #cybersecurity conference? Watch videos at — Data Privacy Asia (@dataprivacyasia) December 10, 2016   Related articles How Businesses Are Preparing for the GDPR ( Related posts: Captain Crunch needs your help Berlusconi ed il popolo dei brainless FW SPAM: hello, i see your profile at ( World Dictionary New Words and Meaning: Communist Ahmed Mohamed the kid arrested because too smart Powered by YARPP.

Maslow hierarchy of needs applied to employee engagement

Maslow hierarchy of needs can be applied to employee engagement; it is an interesting exercise since help us to understand why we should implement correction in our management style in order to retain talents and best performers inside the company. The 5 level of Maslow can be somehow translated into the engagement level of the employee as showed in the image. So let try to understand the 5 levels. This five stage model can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. The first four levels are often referred to as deficiency needs and the top level is known as…

Micromanagement vs. experts: the original sin in organizations

I was reading an interesting article about micromanagement (Why Is Micromanagement So Infectious?) that forced me to write again on management issue. My interest is on the implication of a micromanagement attitude on a team with a focus on expert management. In business management, micromanagement is a management style whereby a manager closely observes or controls the work of subordinates or employees. Micromanagement generally has a negative connotation. Micromanagement classic symptoms are the lack of delegation, the imposition of company rules regardless their effectiveness or fairness, the not contextualization of task and goals, the trivial focus on the lesser details…

Industry 4.0. a cultural revolution before a technology one

Industry 4.0. a cultural revolution before a technology one by Antonio Ieranò We are used to deal with linguistic expressions consisting of a name and two wagered numbers whose second is a zero: Type 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and so on. Referenced in ascending order, the figures would suggest an evolution, a transition to a more advanced version (or up to date one) of a given situation or a certain object. Among the first to show itself, and the best known not only among the experts there is definitely “web 2.0”. It is a fascinating phenomenon from an ideal point of…

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica Siamo ormai abituati ad avere a che fare con espressioni linguistiche costituite da un nome e due numeri puntati il cui secondo è uno zero: tipo 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 eccetera. Messe in ordine ascendente, le cifre dovrebbero suggerire un’evoluzione, un passaggio verso una versione più avanzata (o aggiornata) di una data situazione o di un certo oggetto. Fra le prime ad imporsi e più note non solo fra gli addetti ai lavori c’è sicuramente “web 2.0”. Si tratta di un fenomeno affascinante dal punto di vista ideale, che ha fatto cultura, che ha…

“Chinglish” – Hilarious Translations

Weekly 原创 2016-10-05 Spoonhunt Spoonhunt Spoonhunt source: Spoonhunt 微信号 spoonhunt 功能介绍 Discover & explore food around you with menus translated into English all over Asia!       As Spoonhunt brings you translated menu items so you don’t have to guess at every Chinese menu you come across, we’re always looking for funny translations in China. Here are some of the funniest bad translations we found this week. Have some funny Chinglish you want to share? Send us the picture on WeChat! We will pick the best ones each week to post! User Submitted: CHRIS in GUILIN Shmke Your Groove Thmng. Correct translation – 舞蹈室 Dance Studio User Submitted: TOMÁS in SHENZHEN Nothing…

15 Of The Worst Neon Sign Fails Ever

15 Of The Worst Neon Sign Fails Ever Companies pay a lot of attention to their billboards and signs. However, when installing a neon sign you have to be extra careful. Lights WILL go out, and once it does you’ll end up with “hell” instead of “Shell”, and “Hoe Carnival” instead of “Shoe Carnival”. Shameless has collected the best of the worst neon sign fails. So if you are a business owner who has or is planning to have a neon sign – take a really close look and try to see what can go wrong. Not all publicity is good publicity….

English T-Shirts In Asia (20+ Pics)

English T-Shirts In Asia (20+ Pics)   One of the great things about the world we live in is the rich and diverse variety of languages that you can find across the globe. The only problem is that, as you can see from these pictures, sometimes these languages don’t quite translate… In homage to hilarious translation fails, shameless has compiled this list of t-shirts from East Asia that don’t quite say what they should (“Texas state it’s a triangle OMG so hipster triangle”, for example). Some of them don’t say anything at all (well, not unless “temmby woroing terrislylastly” means anything…

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