#Pope Benedict XVI will resign and our politicians?

Can I confess I admire Pope Benedict XV? Even if I am not a catholic I find his act of an extreme courage and I truly respect the man! Sometimes is amazing to see someone that live his role as a service and is able to step back when he finds out his not more able to provide the service he is called to give.

I know there will be some who will read this action differently, but in any case we’re in presence of a man who judge himself and took a decision with a very few precedents.

Mostly here in Italy where our politicians do not want to lose power and positions for any reason and think they’re the only resource to save us.

Would be nice to see them learning a lesson….. service and not selfishness (I know I’m asking too much, 🙂 )…

So I would like to thanks Benedict XV because track a new path I can only imagine how much costs to him.

Français : Armoiries du pape Benoît XV : Tranc...
Français : Armoiries du pape Benoît XV : Tranché d’azur et d’or à l’église d’argent couverte de gueules brochant sur le tout, au chef d’or à l’aigle issant de sable Source du blasonnement : http://www.araldicavaticana.com/pbenedetto15.htm Figures utilisées : 80px et 40px (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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