News From The World

News From The World

Forum ICT Security 2014 – Convegni – 10 Ottobre – Tavola Rotonda   Related posts: Nmap Guide Revisited – Hakin9 Tutorials | Magazine | Hackers about hacking techniques in our IT Security Magazine Privacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald Security in a Virtual World Is Sandboxing technology the answer? Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuol sapere: dice il controller “lei non sa chi sono io” Powered by YARPP.

Féliz 16 de septiembre: Viva Mexico

A todos los mexicanos y a todos lo que quieren a Mexico y lo tienen en el corazón:         Viva Mexico Viva Viva Mexico Viva Viva Mexico Viva Related articles Happy Mexican Independence Day!! Related posts: Maya update Murió Roberto Gómez Bolaños MÉXICO: PRIMER ANIVERSARIO DE LA DESAPARICIÓN FORZADA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE AYOTZINAPA Watching the new presidents’ acts and talks (and the possible future outlook) And I am scared Powered by YARPP.

Different points of view

I just asked a simply question today on some social networks: when did ideologies and religious myths have overridden historical and fact analysis? There are plenty of ideological discussion masked as analysis of what is happening in the world today. It seems that rationality has lost the right to be present when people is talking about serious facts as war, riots and similar events. I know that going out of our comfort zone is not nice, but ignoring, misrepresent or partly use facts, history and evidences it is not the best way to solve situations. not here, not in Ferguson,…

Israel will destroy Hamas tunnels no matter what

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will not end its operation in Gaza until Hamas tunnels have been destroyed. Hamas has used an extensive network of tunnels to launch attacks on targets in Israel. Netanyahu maintains that Israel will push forward with efforts to destroy the tunnels “with or without a ceasefire.” Meanwhile, Israeli shelling continues unabated. Nearly 100 people died in Gaza on Wednesday, including 16 who were killed when Israeli artillery hit a UN-run school in Jabaliya district of Gaza City. On Thursday, the U.N.’s top human rights official, Navi Pillay, accused both Israel and Hamas of committing…

Ebola is back again

West Africa: The president of Sierra Leone declared a public health emergency to curb the deadly Ebola outbreak. According to the president, security forces will enforce a quarantine of the epicenters of the outbreak in the east and travelers at airports will be required to have their temperature checked. Meanwhile Liberia closed schools across the country in an effort to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. Related articles Sierra Leone declares health emergency over Ebola Liberia shuts schools as deadly Ebola virus spreads Sierra Leone declare health emergency over Ebola Ebola: Liberia shuts schools to tackle outbreak Sierra Leone…

Buone Ferie a Tutti!

Visto che siamo alla fine di Luglio, ed inizia il mese delle ferie auguro: a tutti coloro che se ne vanno in ferie il massimo del divertimento 🙂 a coloro che già ci sono di continuare a divertirsi e non pensare al ritorno a coloro che le hanno già fatte di gioire dei bei ricordi e approfittare del mese di agosto per lavorare serenamente ed infine a coloro che come me non ci vanno, forza sarà per l’anno prossimo 😉   ciao a tutti Antonio   Related posts: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Seasons Greetings Next Step: New Year…

Expo 2015

Mi chiedo se sia peggio ritirarsi prima dell’inizio od andare stoicamente avanti nonostante non sarà finito quasi nulla…. Related articles Italy: 2015 Milan Expo will go on despite scandal Perché l expo-è-un-grande-errore Milan Expo 2015: Austria’s Winning Pavilion to Simulate Native Climate News story: Design competition launched for UK pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 Milan Expo 2015: X-TU Designs Latticed “Fertile Market” for French Pavilion Al Tiramisu & Chef Luigi Diotaiuti Acknowledged by Secretary of State John Kerry at Groundbreaking Reception for the USA Pavillion at Milan Expo 2015 Italian PM: 2015 Milan World Expo will go on despite bribery…

Uber a Roma

Diciamocelo uber è un grande problema per I tassisti. In particolare in città notoriamente problematiche come Roma uber è una valida sostituzione ai classici taxi, infatti oggi che avevo bisogno disperato di un passaggio rapido per roma tiburtina da cinecittà uber ha sostituito egregiamente i famigerati taxi romani. Esattamente come per i taxi non vi era l’ombra di una macchina nera e esattamente come se avessi preso un taxi ho perso il treno. Insoma uber e taxi sono uguali…sic! Ma come mai Roma non si riesce mai a trovare un taxi quando ti serve? Prossima volta chiamo l’enterprise e mi…

My Latest Article on Hakin9 is on Ddos

It has been released the latest edition of Hakin9 Magazine, and I’ve been so lucky to have another article published, this time on DDos. If you are interested on the subject or the issue just go to: Hope will be a pleasant reading 🙂 for any question do not hesitate to contact me. you can reach me on: twitter: @antonioierano and @thepuchiherald linkedin: as usual I’ll be glad if you join my networks. ciao Antonio Related articles FDL Under DDoS Attack: We Need Your Help Incapsula launches added protection against DDoS attacks DDoS Hosting Solutions Increases its DDoS Protection…

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