
The Puchi Herald

Management style, common error to avoid

Management style, common error to avoid Being a manager is a hard job, and it deals with cultural, economical, corporate issues and rules. But being a manager is indeed an important job usually performed with a not clear idea on what a manager should do. We can find Bad and Good managers, and most of the times they do not even realize where they stand in the good or bad dashboard, because usually nobody teach you what to be a manger means. Nevertheless there is a world of literature on management, so If someone really want to improve from naïve…

The rightful way to make an employee unhappy

Management is a difficult art, management in big corporations is more difficult. Management in a corporation where the multicultural requirement is a need is even harder. We all know it and, to a certain extent, we have to deal with it. We can’t expect everything works well and right, and we have to show flexibility and we have to be open to change and embrace the new but… Let’s be real, no matter how much effort you put sometimes things are just not right. When the environment is too toxic probably is better to leave than hoping for a change. …

The fine art to make impossible what is possible. (Or why many projects fail)

I know there is always a great distance between reality and management, Sometimes it happens to me to bump into a real good manager, but it is mostly an exception to the general rule than the norm. I would say that my personal opinion is that because nowadays management mostly is all but dealing with reality, with the prevalent culture that has moved from production to finance, we moved from the real economy to a virtual representation that does not take into account many factors because focused only on few parameters. The result is quite interesting since, from one side,…

Will Safe Harbor closure disrupt the internet?

The biggest threat internet has ever seen is related to a sentence of the European Court of Justice, its consequences could block the data flow between countries closing internet into “areas”. Last October, the European Court of Justice struck down the Safe Harbor agreement, a 15­ year old transatlantic arrangement that permitted U.S. companies to transfer data, such as people’s Google search histories, outside the EU. In invalidating the agreement, the ECJ found that the blurry relationship between private-sector data collection and national security in the United States violates the privacy rights of EU citizens whose data travel overseas. Basically…

Apple, l’evasione fiscale e gli strani conti della Agenzia delle Entrate

Probabilmente non sono un genio della finanza, e mi mancano gli strumenti cognitivi base per capire certe finezze, ma mi sorge un dubbio: Se una azienda come apple evade, secondo lo stato italiano, 880 miloni di euro in tasse, come mai puo sanare la cosa pagandone solo un terzo, 318 milioni? Perchè invece a me le cartelle arrivano con gli importi almeno quintuplicati tra more, multe, penali e cose del genere? Intendiamoci non sono un sostenitore della evasione, ma sostengo che chi non riesce a pagare, avendolo vissuto sulla mia pelle, e vivendolo tutt’ora, dovrebbe essere aiutato a coprire il suo debito…

Update: Amazon Italia, più Italia che Amazon (anche grazie ad SDA)

Update (30 Dec 2015):   finalmente SDA si è degnata di venire a ritirare il collo e la presa è stata effettuata alle 3 (non come indicato da amazon la mattina, ma insomma non siamo troppo pignoli). Almeno questo è stato fatto. Amazon o non Amazon? Non avrei mai creduto di scrivere un post come questo, ma non averei mai creduto neanche di vivere una simile esperienza con Amazon Italia. Sono un cliente Amazon da lunga data, e cliente amazon era mia moglie prima di conoscermi. Abbiamo sperimentato Amazon in tutte le sue forme, da piccola startup americana, alle prime…

Terrorism, religion and us

Recent events in Paris raised once again out attention on terrorism, and fueled once again the trumpet of hate and rage. It is horrible what happened, it is horrible because innocent people died, it is horrible because a God and a Religion have been used once again to justify what is only the pleasure of killing from sick animals, it is horrible because will bring a long chain of sufferance again even between muslins. It is easy to see now people claiming we don’t have to accept Syrian refugee: at the end they are muslin too, and therefore terrorist. Such…

Managers role, leaders and VW

One of the things that make me think about the Volkswagen Diesel gate is the role of the management inside a company. All Diesel gate is a demonstration of how dangerous is to have bad managers in a company. It is supposed that managers have the responsibility to take decision and drive the company to reach the goals, this is the justification for their paycheck at the end a manager have to take decisions take responsibility but is this actually the truth? My experience as trainer, consultant and coach alas told me that the truth is quite different, and we…


MÉXICO: PRIMER ANIVERSARIO DE LA DESAPARICIÓN FORZADA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE AYOTZINAPA La desaparición forzada de los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa en 10 escalofriantes cifras 43 – Estudiantes detenidos y sometidos a desaparición forzada por la policía el 26 de septiembre de 2014. 6 – Personas ejecutadas extrajudicialmente la noche del 26 de septiembre de 2014 (tres estudiantes y tres transeúntes). 25 – Personas heridas. 42 – Estudiantes cuyo paradero aún se desconoce. 1 – Estudiante de 19 años, Alexander Mora Venancio, cuya muerte se confirmó el 6 de diciembre de 2014 después de que expertos de la Universidad de Innsbruck…

Time for enterprises to think about security, seriously

View image | gettyimages.com UE directive on Attack against information systems  give us no more excuse to deal seriously, Under the new rules, illegal access, system interference or interception constitute criminal offence across the EU. But while the legislator is working to create tools to address cybercrime as a Whole system problem, that is affecting EU economy, what are enterprise doing on this side? The problem is that if enterprises does not align their cyber security defence to the correct approach every legislation will be useless, because the target will be always too easy. Makes absolutely no sense to start…

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