
The Puchi Herald

Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuole sapere: devi iniziare, ma cosa devi fare?

Hai già realizzato che tra un anno dovrai essere conforme alle nuove leggi sulla privacy dettate dal GDPR? Ok Ok ho capito devi pensare di passare da il tuo: “chissenfrega della privacy tanto non è una roba di business “ a “ops se stavolta non faccio le cose per bene rischio una multa fino al 4% sul mio fatturato. maledetto @#][<> GDPR“   e stai entrando in ansia. a dire il vero non credo tu lo stia facendo, anzi credo che continui a dire la prima frase come un mantra, ma facciamo finta che tu ti sia reso conto che…

GDPR and the technology market

Question: will the new privacy policies and laws impact the technology market? This is an interesting question to ask ourselves; whether we are consumer of the technology market or technology vendors the impact of the new technologies (from cloud to IoT, from industry 4.0 to big data just to name the most acknowledged from a marketing point of view) privacy regulations can affect heavily our behaviours and the market. so let try to understand what could be the implications of this new focus on privacy and data protection. First of all we should try to understand what we are talking…

Why IT companies are so concerned by latest (and future) USA administration moves.

Latest USA administration moves are rising a lot of concerns towards the IT community, and a lot of concerns worldwide. There are, of course, different sentiments related to political beliefs, ethics and moral considerations that should be considered. I will not enter here in the political, ethical and moral arena to present my personal point of view on the specific subject but I would like make some considerations on the IT sector reactions to what is happening. It is an easy prediction that the future economic outlook will be impacted by USA administration approach and actions, and this can cause…

Happy Chinese new Year -新年快乐

Embed from Getty Images To all my chinese friends and colleagues I send my best wishes for prosperous and healthy new year. Enjoy the spring festival!               我所有的中国朋友和同事我送上我的祝福的繁荣和健康的新的一年。 Related articles Chinese people will make 3 billion trips for the Lunar New Year this month (mashable.com) Millions attempt the trip home for China’s Lunar New Year festival (japantimes.co.jp) Chinese man cycles 300 miles in wrong direction to return home for New Year (telegraph.co.uk) Related posts: No related posts.

Watching the new presidents’ acts and talks (and the possible future outlook) And I am scared

I usually do not write here about political stuff, if not in rare occasions but, hey, this is my blog at the end so I can express my feeling and thoughts. I was watching today some videos related to USA president elected Donald Trump and his approach to the news (he would tweet: Fake news, sad!) and, honestly, I am scared to dead. I do not like Mr Trump, USA citizens elected him so I have to cope with that, but this does not means I have to like him. I found most of his tweet questionable, his cult of…

Devi fare il budget sulla sicurezza informatica? Se sei stato fortunato: ti sei preso un ransomware

ho pensato che sia cosa utile fare seguito ad un mio precedente post che si chiedeva se era paperino a fare i budget di sicurezza. Diciamolo, uno dei problemi che affliggono il mondo della sicurezza è che in pochi hanno una vaga idea di come costruire un budget che copra questi bisogni e lamentarsi sempre non aiuta a risolvere il problema, ho quindi pensato di scrivere un suggerimento su come venire incontro alla determinazione del valore economico della stesura di un budget di sicurezza informatica. Il problema di costruire il budget della sicurezza è, notoriamente, che chi lo fa deve…

Quando è la sicurezza a pagare I tuoi errori: ma chi li fa i budget di sicurezza… Paperino?

Lo so che non ti piace sentirtelo dire, ma se vieni attaccato da un ransomware, se ti hackerano, se un intruso ti ruba tutti i tuoi dati e via dicendo, al 90% la colpa è solo tua. Il rimanente 10% di colpa la puoi addossare al governo, al tempo, al fatto che non ci sono più le mezze stagioni e via dicendo. Perché ti dico questo? Perché, credilo o meno, ci sono tanti esperti in giro che cercano disperatamente di spiegarti come vanno le cose.  Da saggio Paolo Perego al buon Andrea Monguzzi, una lunga teoria di esperti ha speso…

Happy new insecure 2017: my resolutions and wishlist for new year

Here we are, a new year comes and we, as cyber security expert, will keep warning the world about the deeply insecure world we are living. And we will announce new technologies and new devastating scenarios related to new technologies. IoT and Cloud will rise their evil face while bad people will be lurking in the dark waiting to attack the innocent lamb crossing the road. But, in all of this, the most of the damage will be still done by bad designed systems, by managers that does not understand what means living in a digital world, by politicians that…

Solution selling: are you sure you know what really means?

I hear a lot of people talking a lot about “solutions selling”, all keep telling us they are moving to that area, but do we really understand what “solution selling” means? Solution selling does not mean we have to sell “a solution” in terms of a complicated architecture or a set of interconnected boxes or whatsoever. Solution selling is a sales methodology. Rather than just promoting an existing product, the salesperson focuses on the customer’s pain(s) and addresses the issue with his or her offerings (product and services). The resolution of the pain is what is a “solution”. What does…

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