AI Tech Update

AI Tech Update

The IoT Files – Privacy

In the previous post “The IoT Files – intro and security” I started to talk about Security issues related to the IoT world. Security imply a wide range of elements, one of them is Privacy. But since the nature of this topic is particularly sensitive I will talk about it separately. Privacy in the Internet of Things assume a different taste than we used to think. We should think again what IoT means. A lot of objects that are able to communicate and process data,  equipped with sensors that make them aware of the neighborhood. Those sensors will be able to…

The IoT Files – intro and security

The IoT Files – intro and security I will start a series of posts on the IoT (Internet o Things) since it seems me that most of the talking about IoT are missing some key aspects. I will start with a general introduction, taken from a webinar I delivered recently. There is a lot of rumors around IoT lately. It seems the new holy grail of the technology industry, the panacea that will solve every business pain and will drive us to the next point. All those talking are interesting, but somehow a little bit apologetic, since there is a…

Privacy Impact Assessment

Privacy Impact Assessment Privacy impact assessments (PIAs) are tools which can help organizations identify the most effective way to comply with their data protection obligations and meet individuals’ expectations of privacy. An effective PIA will allow organizations to identify and fix problems at an early stage, reducing the associated costs and damage to reputation which might otherwise occur. PIAs are an integral part of taking privacy by design approach. Key points: A PIA is a process which assists organizations in identifying and minimizing the privacy risks of new projects or policies. Conducting a PIA involves working with people within the…

Global Cooperation in Cyberspace Initiative

Dear Colleagues,   The EastWest Institute is leading a Global Cooperation in Cyberspace Initiative to help make cyberspace more secure and predictable. As part of that initiative, EWI has established a “breakthrough group” that is working to enhance cybersecurity for governments and enterprises globally by enabling the availability and use of more secure information and communication technology (ICT) products and services.   For providers in the ICT supply chain, the group is promoting the use of recognized and proven international standards and best practices that improve product and service integrity. For buyers of ICT, the group is working to foster the use of procurement…

ransomware again, really?

Some days ago a friend of mine reported me that his company has been affected by a ransomware cryptoloker style. I keep hearing people infected by this kind of infection and I am starting to wonder if people has really understood what a cryptomalware really is and how it works.   here from Wikipedia: ” Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to a computer system that it infects in some way, and demands that the user pay a ransom to the operators of the malware to remove the restriction. Some forms of ransomware systematically encrypt files on…

A Fight for the future message: The following companies just betrayed billions of people.

The following companies just betrayed billions of people. Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, and a handful of other tech companies just began publicly lobbying Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a bill that would give corporations total legal immunity when they share private user data with the government and with each other. Many of these companies have previously claimed to fight for their users’ privacy rights, but by supporting this bill they’ve made it clear that they’ve abandoned that position, and are willing to endanger their users’ security and civil rights in exchange for government handouts and protection….

I moved my site to the cloud

View image | although I would like to say I reached a stellar audience this means just that I have changed my purchased hosting package from the very basic one to a “cloud” service offered by my hosting provider ( Why I did this? well basically the main reason was to address a performance issue, every time a spammer (my basic audience) was trying to hack my site the system was not able to process the request and goes down. I mean it is not fair to have a blog and not being able to offer a minimum…

IoT, Internet of Things or Internet of Terror?

Why we all talk about IoT I know that there are a lot of good reasons to love the IoT or IoE (where E stand for everything) idea. I can just highlight a couple: Business and easier life. The business behind IoT The first point is quite clear, the tremendous growth of the Smart devices has create a new business that has gone beyond any analyst prevision. Nowadays it seems that it is impossible to think a world not interconnected. Anyway there are still great areas of improvement in terms of quality of the services provided and the spread of…

Il ventre molle dell’IT italiana: la sicurezza

Ultimamente sono stato coinvolto in alcuni casi di attacchi ransomware nei confronti di aziende italiane, e la cosa mi ha preoccupato abbastanza, non tanto per la pericolosità in se dell’attacco ma per la imbarazzante mancanza di implementazione di processi di sicurezza all’interno delle varie realtà aziendali. Una mancanza di sicurezza che copre non solo gli aspetti meramente tecnici, ma anche quelli procedurali e persino legali. Una infezione di tipo cryptoloker, kryptowall o simili, infatti, è una buona occasione per testare i meccanismi implementati di difesa, o, purtroppo, la loro totale mancanza. Generalmente la copertura di sicurezza nelle strutture italiane è…

Attenzione! run di attacchi ransomware in Italia

Sono già due giorni che ricevo notifiche di aziende e soggetti colpiti da diverse versioni di Kryptoloker ed altri ransomware. Evidentemente c’è una recrudescenza di questi attacchi nel nostro paese in questi giorni. Alcune versioni sono rimaste “undetected” anche dai maggiori antivirus che stanno provvedendo a emettere patch specifiche (kudos a Sophos per la rapidità ed efficienza di intervento in un caso da me incontrato). Per i non addetti al settore, questi malware si installano in macchine ospiti infettate ed iniziano a procedere alla encryption di documenti, files e cartelle. Se la macchina ha accesso a share remoti anche questi…

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