AI Tech Update

AI Tech Update

ise training day 3

Posture posture and posture 🙂 interesting but long labs Related articles Ise Training day 2 ( ISE basic installation and configuration. Part 2 ( ISE basic installation and configuration. Part 1 ( Open a file in PowerShell ISE via cmdlet – Version 3 Update ( Proliferation of “Bring Your Own Device” ( Related posts: Ise Training day 2 Diary of an acquisition part2 FW SPAM: My dear friend Looks good it’s good Yummy Powered by YARPP.

Ise Training day 2

Ok my turn to talk today:  We talked about one of the most interesting features of ISE, profiling. Worth to explain a little what profiling is, and what discovery and classification means. it is a very useful and powerful engine but it needs to be understood, also on what it means and why should be used. other great new, finally  ise 1.1 is available on CCO, worth the upgrade absolutely. new stuffs: – Support for IOS Sensor for advanced features and remote profiling on the switch. – Active scan with NMAP. – A new portal guest type Device Registration…

Today ISE training day 1

Image by Getty Images via @daylife and the day is gonna be at its end for the first day of ISE training here, tomorrow I will have to talk about Profiling, we’ll see Related articles Configure cisco ISE for Cisco Access Points ( Fab Site: ( Canon Powershot SX210IS Best Buy ( Good practice to delete rows from database by attribute(eg. is_removed) ( Squaring Numbers from 30-70 ( How We’re Going Fix Online Identity and Reputation ( Οι συζητήσεις μας ( Method isEmpty for binary tree proble ( Double-Check the Accuracy of Your Clock at [Clocks] ( It…

Configure cisco ISE for Cisco Access Points

Let’s say you have been asked to configure ISE to allow secured network access for Cisco Wireless Access Points. To do so you should : · Enable the ISE endpoint profile for Cisco Access Points · Configure an Authorization Profile and Authorization Policy rule for Cisco Access Points · Review the access switch configuration to authorize an access point using MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB). · Verify proper authorization of a Cisco Access Point based on ISE policy   Login to ISE The ISE Home Dashboard page should display. Navigate the interface using the multi-level menus. Configure the Profiler Policy to…

Introduction To Network Security – Part 2

Introduction To Network Security – Part 2: By Sahir Hidayatullah – Security Advisor Tools An Attacker Uses Now that we’ve concluded a brief introduction to the types of threats faced by both home users and the enterprise, it is time to have a look at some of the tools that attackers use. Keep in mind that a lot of these tools have legitimate purposes and are very useful to administrators as well. For example I can use a network sniffer to diagnose a low level network problem or I can use it to collect your password. It just depends…

Introduction To Network Security – Part 1

Introduction To Network Security – Part 1: Introduction By Sahir Hidayatullah – Security Advisor As more and more people and businesses have begun to use computer networks and the Internet, the need for a secure computing environment has never been greater. Right now, information security professionals are in great demand and the importance of the field is growing every day. All the industry leaders have been placing their bets on security in the last few years. All IT venodors agree today that secure computing is no longer an optional component, it is something that should be integrated into every…

Spear Phishing: can it fool me?

Image via Wikipedia Recent articles in the news remind me that anyone can be fooled by a good scam. the problem is always the trust we gave to the communication we received. is not just a financial problem (you remember the Madoff scam?) but a problem that can hit anyone, even expert guys can fall.The most recent was the hack occurs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, but it is just the last of an infinite series. Also the RSA securID breach  was prepared with spear phishing. What is spear phishing? Spear phishing is an e-mail spoofing fraud attempt that targets…

SECURITY: Web Browsing infection and protection basics

As the 2010 ended we learned that it was the most prolific years in terms of malware, new malware and botnets. And also we found out that internet browsing has been the most used vehicle to spread infection and attack.Actually seems not to be an astonishing news, ou contraire, but it is interesting to notice that the focus has shifted from OS related threats to application and browsing vulnerability. this allowed malware to attack new surfaces, virtually any operating systems with internet browsing capabilities is subject and can be target of an attack or an infection: pc, smarthphone, tablet, consoles…

Security for Dummies 002: l’ecosistema criminale

Se nel precedente post abbiamo descritto come sia cambiato il mondo delle reti informatiche negli ultimi anni, qui vedremo come sia cambiato di conseguenza l’ecosistema criminale, introducendo, di qua e di la, alcuni concetti cari alla security di oggi. Perché lo fai Innanzitutto capiamoci: il motivo per cui un criminale compie le sue azioni è per ottenere denaro. le azioni che il criminale compie sono orientate a: consentirgli il reperimento diretto del denaro consentirgli di creare l’ambiente adatto che poi gli permetterà di agire come al punto 2.1 per ottenere denaro i veicoli disponibili sono fondamentalmente: truffa, o assimilabile, con…

Il Brontolone: atti di fede razionale

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Vecchio Post Sappiamo tutto? Abbiamo sempre tutti gli elementi di scelta e di analisi? La risposta purtroppo è no, in un mondo sempre più complesso i nostri strumenti di approvvigionamento delle informazioni sono sempre più disparati ma, contemporaneamente, ci allontaniamo sempre di più dalla sorgete del dato. Questa è una costante della esperienza umana, la "realtà" che siamo abituati a vedere non è altro che il frutto di una costante reinterpretazione dei dati che riceviamo, nessuno dei dati della nostra esperienza sensibile è, però, diretto, tutti sono mediati. Dal punto di vista biologico questa cosa è…

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