Antonio Ieranò

World Dictionary New Words and Meaning: jew

Words change with changing the time: change in meaning, pronunciation, spelling and so on. Today I’ve learned that there is another word I were not aware of the modern meaning, this word is Jew. Actually this is a word that have had different meanings through the recent and not so recent history, in my naïve vision the word was referring to someone who is a member of a specific religion or religious group but today I’ve learned a more specific set of meanings. Accordingly to social networks and broadcast media today the word assume different meaning but somehow I’ve been able…

World Dictionary New Words and Meaning: Communist

They’re “Communists“. – This is a common way to express a feeling against someone. Communist and communism have lost the original meaning to be used, nowadays, as a synonymous of “Bad Guy that is against Freedom, Truth, Democracy, Life, God and everything holy and so, as a matter of fact, terrorist, killer and all the worse” After the end of the so-called “cold War” and the downfall of the former USSR what is left is just an abused and empty word “communism” still used as a propaganda flag to show the “enemy” in a general way. If you’re against me so you’re “communist”, so it…

Different points of view

I just asked a simply question today on some social networks: when did ideologies and religious myths have overridden historical and fact analysis? There are plenty of ideological discussion masked as analysis of what is happening in the world today. It seems that rationality has lost the right to be present when people is talking about serious facts as war, riots and similar events. I know that going out of our comfort zone is not nice, but ignoring, misrepresent or partly use facts, history and evidences it is not the best way to solve situations. not here, not in Ferguson,…

Israel will destroy Hamas tunnels no matter what

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will not end its operation in Gaza until Hamas tunnels have been destroyed. Hamas has used an extensive network of tunnels to launch attacks on targets in Israel. Netanyahu maintains that Israel will push forward with efforts to destroy the tunnels “with or without a ceasefire.” Meanwhile, Israeli shelling continues unabated. Nearly 100 people died in Gaza on Wednesday, including 16 who were killed when Israeli artillery hit a UN-run school in Jabaliya district of Gaza City. On Thursday, the U.N.’s top human rights official, Navi Pillay, accused both Israel and Hamas of committing…

Ebola is back again

West Africa: The president of Sierra Leone declared a public health emergency to curb the deadly Ebola outbreak. According to the president, security forces will enforce a quarantine of the epicenters of the outbreak in the east and travelers at airports will be required to have their temperature checked. Meanwhile Liberia closed schools across the country in an effort to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. Related articles Sierra Leone declares health emergency over Ebola Liberia shuts schools as deadly Ebola virus spreads Sierra Leone declare health emergency over Ebola Ebola: Liberia shuts schools to tackle outbreak Sierra Leone…

Buone Ferie a Tutti!

Visto che siamo alla fine di Luglio, ed inizia il mese delle ferie auguro: a tutti coloro che se ne vanno in ferie il massimo del divertimento 🙂 a coloro che già ci sono di continuare a divertirsi e non pensare al ritorno a coloro che le hanno già fatte di gioire dei bei ricordi e approfittare del mese di agosto per lavorare serenamente ed infine a coloro che come me non ci vanno, forza sarà per l’anno prossimo 😉   ciao a tutti Antonio   Related posts: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Seasons Greetings Next Step: New Year…

Expo 2015

Mi chiedo se sia peggio ritirarsi prima dell’inizio od andare stoicamente avanti nonostante non sarà finito quasi nulla…. Related articles Italy: 2015 Milan Expo will go on despite scandal Perché l expo-è-un-grande-errore Milan Expo 2015: Austria’s Winning Pavilion to Simulate Native Climate News story: Design competition launched for UK pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 Milan Expo 2015: X-TU Designs Latticed “Fertile Market” for French Pavilion Al Tiramisu & Chef Luigi Diotaiuti Acknowledged by Secretary of State John Kerry at Groundbreaking Reception for the USA Pavillion at Milan Expo 2015 Italian PM: 2015 Milan World Expo will go on despite bribery…

L’equivoco su Hamas

Usualmente non sono accondiscendente con le motivazioni Israliane nel conflitto Israelo-Palestinese. Non si tratta di essere antisemtia o antisionista, ma semplicemente di essere critico verso le operazioni israliane in terra palestinese perchè le ritengo inutili dal punto di vista degli obiettivi che vengono ufficialmente dichiarati e inaccettabili da un punto di vista di un esponente della civiltà occidentale. Ho scritto più volte che l’atteggiamento sprezzante di Israele nei confronti della comunità internazionale e delle risoluzioni dell’ONU, il comportamento della stessa Israele nei territori occupati e quelli limitrofi (dal controllo delle fonti di approvigionamento idrico agli insediamenti e via dicendo), porta…

V-Valley Security: Proteggi il tuo DataCenter

Eccoci ancora una volta, la presentazione che segue è stata fatta per un evento V-Valley con Dell, Intel ed APC by Schneider Electric. Si sono tenute diverse date, io ero presente a quelle di Roma e Milano. Questa Volta si il tema è introduttivo alla security, per descrivere alcune delle aree di interesse legate al Datacenter. Quando si parla di Datacenter le prime cose che vengono solitamente in mente sono i “server” , NAS\SAS e gli Switch di fascia alta. In realtà le tematiche legate al datacenter coprono una ben più vasta area, e molte sono legate intrinsecamente alle problematiche di…

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