Antonio Ieranò

Pavia – Shenzhen 4:I think what I need here is a surviving guide

View image | I think what I need here is a surviving guide 🙂 I have had the chance to talk with some western colleagues, apparently we share, more or less, the same difficulties. Language Barriers Let be clear, if you want to take shenzhen metro, well it is a piece of cake, all indications are in chinese and english, the train are modern as the stations. Every stop is clearly described on the train (and announced in both languages) so it is a great way to travel here. The things get differents when you need a cab. you have…

Some times they come back

View image | I wrote a few time ago about double standards in IT security that affect eastern countries’ companies as Chinese Huawei and  ZTE or Russia’s ones  when dealing with western countries. I wrote this effect is quite evident every time you read news on cyber security threats. Guess what… I was reading some news lately and I encounter some statements that make me think (again) about it: Let’s take the FREAK attack as an example. FREAK attack is a security vulnerability that breaks HTTPS protection. The troubles today owe to ‘export grade encryption’ – a deliberately weaker form of encryption baked into products shipped outside of the United States, enforced by the American government. The restrictions were removed…

Pavia Shenzhen step 3

[发怒][抓狂][骷髅][弱] OK I am pissed off. Sometimes apparently the easiest things are the hardest to solve. I am trying to get my second visa to China and I were hoping this time things would have goon smoothly. Yesterday I took my train, went to Milan and, happy-go-lucky the whole computer systems was down, spent there just a 5 hours waiting for the system turning back, no luck… So I took my train today, hoping for a better result… Guess what… Murphy’s laws …. The invitation letter was wrong (same old story), states 30 day stay not 60 as needed, and…

Are we using a double standard in IT security?

Are we using a double standard in IT security? In the last years Cyber Security has raised as a major concern in any sector of our lives, from government to business and even at private and personal level. But I am wondering if there is a sort of double standard when we judge facts happening when they are related to cybersecurity. Let’s make some example: We all have read concerns rising form the rumoured new rules that china will impose to companies selling IT equipments in some sensitive sector like financial, western expert have raised all so of questions pointing out that…

After a few days in Shenzhen

OK time sto say something about my first days here in Shenzhen. I passed a whole week now and I have a better vision. I have to admit I like this place, people is kind and the work environment here in Huawei is great. The Hotel room is not the most luxurious (I’m at Elite Garden Hotel) but the overall impression is really positive, clean and good service, outside there is a lot of trees and it is a pleasure to walk around. Services like gym, swimming pool, areas to play basketball (not for me of course)…everything looks great. Then the…

Pavia Shenzhen

Day one, getting ready . I’m going to Shenzhen,  my first visit to china started with a tight schedule. Finally i got the visa this morning, as the ticket to flight. I went to chinese consulate by train from Pavia, thanks Cucciolina to drive me to Pavia station, to collect my passport with visa, then I used Uber for the first time to go to the airport. Good service, cheap and you can pay with paypal….. Now at linate airport, checkin is still closed but the warn us that because of a private airplain that should be removed ther could…

I have a New Job

It’s the truth, I signed for a new Job. I’m now EBG Cyber Security Expert for Huawei Enterprise Business Group. Within the EBG Cyber Security and Information Security Department I will be responsible to build up Cyber Security brand and reputation and win the trust of the global market. It has been an incredible start for an incredible journey. My base will be splitted between Shenzhen and Milan so I will have to travel a bit. It is an exciting and Amazing new journey that I’m thrilled to start. I will go to Shenzhen probably next week and it will be…

the hypocrisy of religious extremism

No matter wich side you watch it, religious extremism is always using things to justify its own acts. There is no place for self-criticism, just only God rules as they claim to be. Science is one of the first victim, as well as the freedom of speech and the right to criticism. No other idea can be admitted, just only the truth and righteous one, and of course there are only a few that can show what this truth is. Can be the Koran, the Bible, the Torah and Talmud or the Book of Mormon, we always find someone who…

Giornalisti piantatela di dire e scrivere “Giustiziato” davanti ad un vile omicidio

Se c’è una cosa che non sopporto è sentire i giornalisti che usano a sproposito il termine giustiziato, sopratutto in riferimento a vili atti quali gli ultimi omicidi effettuati da luridi terroristi. Un animale (umano) che uccide un uomo indifeso non lo sta giustiziando lo sta ammazzando. La differenza è non minore, nella nostra lingua giustiziare ha come radice la parola giustizia, e dove risiede la giustizia li? Non stiamo parlando di un atto perpetrato da uno stato che a seguito di un equo processo commina la pena capitale ad un condannato. Pur essendo contrario alla pena di morte in…

Charlie Hebdo, fanatismo, integralismo e noi

Non cessa mai di stupirmi come un evento tragico scateni spesso e sovente la pare peggiore di noi: invece di fermarsi a pensare, ragionare ed analizzare cosa sia successo si parte in crociate semplicistiche quanto dannose. Mi riferisco ovviamente alle deliziose affermazioni di Calderoli, che critica il Papa per dialogare con l’Islam, come se quest’ultimo non abbia la grandezza morale, etica e culturale per farlo, fortuna che c’è lui [Calderoli] a indicare la via. Del resto la chiusura delle frontiere e l’uscita da Schengen caldeggiata da Salvini va in quella direzione. Che facciamo, chiudiamo le frontiere a chi viene da…

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