Antonio Ieranò

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Image via WikipediaOK the latest are that group anonymous is attacking BART system in San Francisco. It’s a very funny target from my point of view, probably because thinking of an hacking attack to our Italian subway system would be ridiculous. Just because nobody would notice it of course 🙂 But the last Anonymous attack make me wonder what is really anonymous, and similar group like lulzsec or web-ninja and so on. Are those a real groups? And what are the reasons behind their moves? Do they really have a defined  agenda? and a boss or a hierarchy? Usually press and police try to consider those groups as organized crime or terrorist….

Anonymous vs BART (Simpson?)

Image via WikipediaOK the latest are that group anonymous is attacking BART system in San Francisco. It’s a very funny target from my point of view, probably because thinking of an hacking attack to our Italian subway system would be ridiculous. Just because nobody would notice it of course 🙂 But the last Anonymous attack make me wonder what is really anonymous, and similar group like lulzsec or web-ninja and so on. Are those a real groups? And what are the reasons behind their moves? Do they really have a defined  agenda? and a boss or a hierarchy? Usually press and police try to consider those groups as organized crime or terrorist….

Risk and Security: how much to spend? first step:define the process – 005

We can now, after this long intro, try to do a little test to see if we can really define a good method to determine how much to spend for security needs. First of all we should try to define which process we want to consider. I opted for the Email systems because this is, generally speaking, a strongly neglected and misunderstood  area of IT process. While mail is widely used and accepted as a communication media worldwide there are a few implementations that consider email security as a whole process involving users, data, and business value. the usual consideration we find around email is:…

"La Notte della Rete"

Non sarà una vigilia tranquilla per l’Agcom: sarà, piuttosto, “La Notte della Rete”. Il 5 luglio, a 24 ore dall’approvazione della Delibera definita “ammazza-Internet” dai blogger italiani, artisti, esponenti della rete, leader politici, cittadini e utenti del web si troveranno a Roma per una no-stop contro il provvedimento.Per maggiori informazioni sul provvedimento dell’Agcom vai alla pagina: L’evento si svolgerà martedì 5 luglio dalle 17.30 alle 21 presso la Domus Talenti a Roma ( via delle Quattro Fontane, 113 ) partecipa anche tu alla nostra mobilitazione. Fai sentire la tua voce! Fra i presenti già confermati: Olivero Beha, Rita Bernardini,…

Seminario CLUSIT “Quale sicurezza per l’utente mobile?” Milano – 22 giugno 2011 Roma – 7 luglio 2011

Seminario CLUSIT “Quale sicurezza per l’utente mobile?” Milano – 22 giugno 2011 Roma – 7 luglio 2011 Carissimi, Vi invito a partecipare a una delle due tappe dell’interessante Seminario CLUSIT organizzato in collaborazione con Cisco dal titolo “Quale sicurezza per l’utente mobile ?” durante il quale avrà modo di convidivere con i docenti le nuove linee di indirizzo per implementare sicurezza ed usabilità delle nuove frontiere del mobile computing. Durata : 4 ore (dalle 14.00 alle 18.00) Docenti : Alessio Pennasilico e Antonio Ieranò  CODICE CONVENZIONE DA INDICARE NEL MODULO DI REGISTRAZIONE : CISCO Tappa di Milano – 22 giugno…

Mobile users and security

I have the pleasure to announce that I will co-teach with Alessio Pennasico  a new clusit training about mobile security. Image via WikipediaMobile users are a big reality in nowadays corporate networks. New devices with browsing capability are introduced by vendor every day, from the new smartphones (android or iPhone) from the tablet (the many android tablets, apple Ipad, rim Playbook and Microsoft windows 7 tablets), to new cloud os as Google chrome OS IT managers need to face a completely new set of requirement to secure network and users operation in such a fragmented and complex environment. To secure…

Spear Phishing: can it fool me?

Image via Wikipedia Recent articles in the news remind me that anyone can be fooled by a good scam. the problem is always the trust we gave to the communication we received. is not just a financial problem (you remember the Madoff scam?) but a problem that can hit anyone, even expert guys can fall.The most recent was the hack occurs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, but it is just the last of an infinite series. Also the RSA securID breach  was prepared with spear phishing. What is spear phishing? Spear phishing is an e-mail spoofing fraud attempt that targets…

Is it a Malware epidemic or Just marketing?

the changing face of the security landscape those days can be perceived mostly from security vendors reports and news article than from a real understanding of what has changed and what is going to change in the security landscape from security people.In the enterprise environment there are still the old fashioned procedures and the overall approach upon security needs is quite dated.But to be able to understand what we need to change and why we need to change our approach would be useful to understand what are all those changes about. Once upon a time there was a cable When…

SECURITY: Web Browsing infection and protection basics

As the 2010 ended we learned that it was the most prolific years in terms of malware, new malware and botnets. And also we found out that internet browsing has been the most used vehicle to spread infection and attack.Actually seems not to be an astonishing news, ou contraire, but it is interesting to notice that the focus has shifted from OS related threats to application and browsing vulnerability. this allowed malware to attack new surfaces, virtually any operating systems with internet browsing capabilities is subject and can be target of an attack or an infection: pc, smarthphone, tablet, consoles…

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