Monthly Archives: July 2020

Shrems II, Data transfer, and the USA: wheels are rolling.

Probably everyone now has, at least, heard about the EJC sentence called Shrems III that basically rules out the possibility to use Privacy Shield infamous agreement to allow data transfer between EU and USA based on the fact that the USA does not provide enough guarantees EU data will be protected. If you don’t know (but you should) here my previous article: After the sentence one of the question was: what now? Will a Grace period be offered to survive this? (lot of companies were transferring data using privacy shield to USA) And most of all does SCC will…

Covid-19 e le teorie complottiste

Diciamolo, Il covid-19 è terreno fertile per le teorie complottiste, durante una pandemia occorre prendersela con qualcuno, non ci si può certo arrendere alla ineluttabile fragilità delle nostre società di fronte a un coso così piccolo. Solitamente ho un approccio duale alle teorie complottiste, o mi incuriosiscono per il mostrare componenti che alimentano un dubbio fondato (credere o non credere sono,per lo più, atti di fede razionale, come scrivevo in un mio vecchio articolo, in cui se la fonte viene considerata credibile si crede alla cosa, se la fonte perde credibilità non vi si crede) o le relego al mondo…

Ops! Privacy Shield, bye-bye

I was not in the mood to write again on GDPR, there are soo many experts here my voice would be useless (and I Know my fellow accomplices of the #quellidelfascicoloP would agree) but I could not refrain myself from this. Max Schrems did it again and Privacy Shield is gone as his predecessor (safe harbor). This should not come as a surprise, well not at least at this side of the pond. I understand the USA does not have a clue on what we’re talking about, privacy is also a cultural matter and we have a profoundly different approach…

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