Monthly Archives: November 2019

The IoT Files: the call for 5G

I have been recently interviewed on 5G issues and this made me realize how confusing is the knowledge and understanding about 5G. Most of the time, when I heard on mainstream media comment about 5G I find form one side apologetic wonders of how this or that vendor with 5G can solve all human problems, form the other side fears related strictly to the fact that 5G today means Chinese or European vendors, for the first time in years the USA is not leading technologically a strategic sector. even lesser I heard about the link between 5G and IoT and what this means. Generally speaking, most of the discussions on IoT are focused…

Please help me to share for my phishing friend sake

ok, do you know those beautiful phishing emails claiming a bad guy hacked your email and take pictures or videos of you doing bad stuff? I receive tons on my personal accounts, and usually, I answer to them asking to share the videos so I can publish on my socials as well and become famous, rotfl, alas the bad guys never react…. (I know I am so childish) so let me share with you last one: Analyzing the headers I saw my friends sent the email from a chinese address (how nice to be renown from such a distant place)…

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