Daily Archives: Monday, December 5, 2016

Micromanagement vs. experts: the original sin in organizations

I was reading an interesting article about micromanagement (Why Is Micromanagement So Infectious?) that forced me to write again on management issue. My interest is on the implication of a micromanagement attitude on a team with a focus on expert management. In business management, micromanagement is a management style whereby a manager closely observes or controls the work of subordinates or employees. Micromanagement generally has a negative connotation. Micromanagement classic symptoms are the lack of delegation, the imposition of company rules regardless their effectiveness or fairness, the not contextualization of task and goals, the trivial focus on the lesser details…

Industry 4.0. a cultural revolution before a technology one

Industry 4.0. a cultural revolution before a technology one by Antonio Ieranò We are used to deal with linguistic expressions consisting of a name and two wagered numbers whose second is a zero: Type 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and so on. Referenced in ascending order, the figures would suggest an evolution, a transition to a more advanced version (or up to date one) of a given situation or a certain object. Among the first to show itself, and the best known not only among the experts there is definitely “web 2.0”. It is a fascinating phenomenon from an ideal point of…

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica

Industria 4.0. Rivoluzione culturale prima che tecnologica Siamo ormai abituati ad avere a che fare con espressioni linguistiche costituite da un nome e due numeri puntati il cui secondo è uno zero: tipo 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 eccetera. Messe in ordine ascendente, le cifre dovrebbero suggerire un’evoluzione, un passaggio verso una versione più avanzata (o aggiornata) di una data situazione o di un certo oggetto. Fra le prime ad imporsi e più note non solo fra gli addetti ai lavori c’è sicuramente “web 2.0”. Si tratta di un fenomeno affascinante dal punto di vista ideale, che ha fatto cultura, che ha…

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