Daily Archives: Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cookie Policy (US)

Image via WikipediaOK the latest are that group anonymous is attacking BART system in San Francisco. It’s a very funny target from my point of view, probably because thinking of an hacking attack to our Italian subway system would be ridiculous. Just because nobody would notice it of course 🙂 But the last Anonymous attack make me wonder what is really anonymous, and similar group like lulzsec or web-ninja and so on. Are those a real groups? And what are the reasons behind their moves? Do they really have a defined  agenda? and a boss or a hierarchy? Usually press and police try to consider those groups as organized crime or terrorist….

Anonymous vs BART (Simpson?)

Image via WikipediaOK the latest are that group anonymous is attacking BART system in San Francisco. It’s a very funny target from my point of view, probably because thinking of an hacking attack to our Italian subway system would be ridiculous. Just because nobody would notice it of course 🙂 But the last Anonymous attack make me wonder what is really anonymous, and similar group like lulzsec or web-ninja and so on. Are those a real groups? And what are the reasons behind their moves? Do they really have a defined  agenda? and a boss or a hierarchy? Usually press and police try to consider those groups as organized crime or terrorist….

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