Monthly Archives: July 2011

Risk and Security: how much to spend? first step:define the process – 005

We can now, after this long intro, try to do a little test to see if we can really define a good method to determine how much to spend for security needs. First of all we should try to define which process we want to consider. I opted for the Email systems because this is, generally speaking, a strongly neglected and misunderstood  area of IT process. While mail is widely used and accepted as a communication media worldwide there are a few implementations that consider email security as a whole process involving users, data, and business value. the usual consideration we find around email is:…

"La Notte della Rete"

Non sarà una vigilia tranquilla per l’Agcom: sarà, piuttosto, “La Notte della Rete”. Il 5 luglio, a 24 ore dall’approvazione della Delibera definita “ammazza-Internet” dai blogger italiani, artisti, esponenti della rete, leader politici, cittadini e utenti del web si troveranno a Roma per una no-stop contro il provvedimento.Per maggiori informazioni sul provvedimento dell’Agcom vai alla pagina: L’evento si svolgerà martedì 5 luglio dalle 17.30 alle 21 presso la Domus Talenti a Roma ( via delle Quattro Fontane, 113 ) partecipa anche tu alla nostra mobilitazione. Fai sentire la tua voce! Fra i presenti già confermati: Olivero Beha, Rita Bernardini,…

Talking Points – Security week review

  Talking Points Security week review The end of an era? Or, may be, just the beginning? Good morning my friends as we all all aware Lulzsec closed its operation after 50 days of astonishing activities. Is that really the end? or just the beginning? While a group seems to fade, another one revamp, Anonymous taken the Lulzec legacy and both Operation Payback and AntiSec seems to strikes again and again. Brazil, USA, Italy, Spain Greece, Americas and Europe, Asia and Africa seems there is no border for Cyber Aktivists and Cyberwarfare. So if LulzSec closed operations (but it is really…

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