Daily Archives: Friday, May 21, 2010

MAAWG – Messaging Anti Abuse Working Group

Messaging Anti Abuse Working Group o MAAWG è una organizzazione che raccoglie le aziende che gestiscono e fanno della posta elettronica uno dei loro asset. membri della organizzazione sono giganti del calibro di AOL, AT&T, Bell Canada, Charter Communications, Cloudmark, Comcast, Cox Communications, EarthLink, FT Group, Goodmail Systems, OpenWave, Yahoo!, Time Warner Cable, e Verizon.lo scopo ultimo è quello di dare al mercato delle linee guida per combattere efficacemente gli abusi sula posta elttronica, da spam a phishing e cose del genere.MAAWG organizza periodicamente eventi e conferenze per sensibilizzare i vari player sulle porblematica di cui si occupa.Il prossimo evento…

Hosted Web Security (ScanSafe)

Cisco IronPort Knowledge Transfer – Hosted Web Security (ScanSafe) from a technical perspective – Recording now availableFor those who were unable to attend the session, it was recorded and can be accessed by clicking on this link:https://cisco.webex.com/ciscosales/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=EC&rID=43679412&rKey=5d05153e71126dfb There will be another Knowledge Transfer session for Partners held on Thursday 10th June, more information on this will be sent to you closer to the date. If you have any questions on the session, or any aspects of Cisco IronPort, please don’t hesitate to contact your Channel Account Manager for further information.Kind regards,The Cisco IronPort Team Related posts: No related posts.

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